Prof. Dr. Claus-Peter Ernst | Professor für International Media Management
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Die allermeisten organisatorischen und inhaltlichen Fragen während Ihres Studiums werden in Stud.IP bereits beantwortet. Schauen Sie bei etwaigen Fragen und Unklarheiten daher immer zuerst unter Stud.IP>Meine Einrichtungen>Lehrstuhl: Studiengang Bachelor International Media Management>Informationen vorbei und wenden Sie sich erst danach ggf. an mich.
Verhalten von Menschen im Kontext von Medien und Technologien:
- Treiber und Auswirkungen von Medienkonsum, insb. Seriensucht
- Treiber und Auswirkungen von Technologienutzung
- Erfolgsfaktoren von Videospielen
- Nutzung von Emoticons und Emojis
- Geschlechterklischees im Kontext von Sprachassistenten/-innen
Begutachtete Konferenzbeiträge:
- de Zoeten, M., Ernst, C.-P. H., Rothlauf, F. (2024): The Effect of Explainable AI on AI-Trust and Its Antecedents Over the Course of an Interaction; ECIS 2024 Proceedings
- de Zoeten, M., Ernst, C.-P. H., Rothlauf, F. (2023): A Matter of Trust: How Trust in AI-Based Systems Changes During Interaction; AMCIS 2023 Proceedings
- Ernst, C.-P. H., Amancio dos Santos, F. (2021): Business Intelligence in the Database Marketing – A Case Study of a German Insurance Company; HICSS 2021 Proceedings
- Huschens, M., Ernst, C.-P. H., Rothlauf, F. (2021): Individual Rank and Response: Survey-Based Evidence on the Effects of Rank-Based Performance Feedback; HICSS 2021 Proceedings
- Ernst, C.-P. H., Herm-Stapelberg, N. (2020): The Impact of Gender Stereotyping on the Perceived Likability of Virtual Assistants; AMCIS 2020 Proceedings
- Weitzel, D., Ernst, C.-P. H., Rothlauf, F. (2020): On the Disadvantages of Rented Software with Regard to Psychological Ownership in the Context of Private Customers; AMCIS 2020 Proceedings
- Ernst, C.-P. H., Herm-Stapelberg, N. (2020): Gender Stereotyping’s Influence on the Perceived Competence of Siri and Co. HICSS 2020 Proceedings
- Ernst, C.-P. H. (2019): The Influence of Social Curiosity on Real-Time Ridesharing Service Usage; AMCIS 2019 Proceedings
- Weitzel, D., Ernst, C.-P. H. (2019): The Role of Sensory Attribute Categories in Online Fresh Food Purchase Behavior. AMCIS 2019 Proceedings
- Ernst, C.-P. H., Huschens, M. (2019): Friendly, Humorous, Incompetent? On the Influence of Emoticons on Interpersonal Perception in the Workplace. HICSS 2019 Proceedings
- Ernst, C.-P. H., Weitzel, D. (2019): On the Disadvantages of Media as a Service with Regard to Psychological Ownership. HICSS 2019 Proceedings
- Ernst, C.-P. H. (2018): What Drives In-App Purchase Intention in Video Games? An Examination of Patience and the Enjoyment of Routine Tasks. AMCIS 2018 Proceedings
- Ernst, C.-P. H., Malzahn, B. (2018): ‘If at First You Don't Succeed, Try, Try Again’ Might Not Always Make Sense: On the Influence of Past Technology Category Satisfaction on Technology Usage. AMCIS 2018 Proceedings
- Ernst, C.-P. H., Malzahn, B., Simbeck, K. (2018): Using Experiential Learning to Effectively Inform People About Web Privacy Risks. AMCIS 2018 Proceedings
- Ernst, C.-P. H., Huschens, M., Herrmann, S., Hoppe, L. (2018): The Influence of Emoticons on the Perception of Job-Related Emails: An Analysis Based on the Four-Ear Model. MKWI 2018 Proceedings
- Ernst, C.-P. H., Huschens, M. (2018): The Effects of Different Emoticons on the Perception of Emails in the Workplace. HICSS 2018 Proceedings
- Ernst, C.-P. H. (2017): The Influence of Disgust on Technology Acceptance. AMCIS 2017 Proceedings
- Ernst, C.-P. H., Hock, C. (2017): Factors Driving Prosocial Online Behavior. AMCIS 2017 Proceedings
- Ernst, C.-P. H., Reinelt, P. (2017): Autonomous Car Acceptance: Safety vs. Personal Driving Enjoyment. AMCIS 2017 Proceedings
- Ernst, C.-P. H. (2017): The Influence of Perceived Belonging on Massively Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Games. HICSS 2017 Proceedings
- Ernst, C.-P. H., Ernst, A. W. (2016): The Influence of Privacy Risk on Smartwatch Usage. AMCIS 2016 Proceedings
- Ernst, C.-P. H., Stock, B., Dos Santos Ferreira, T. P. (2016): The Usage of Augmented Reality Smartglasses: The Role of Perceived Substitutability. AMCIS 2016 Proceedings
- Celik, E., Ernst, C.-P. H., Rothlauf, F. (2016): Antecedents of Willingness to Share Information in Supply Chain IS. MKWI 2016 Proceedings
- Ernst, C.-P. H., Rheingans, F., Cikit, B. (2016): The Influence of Perceived Health Increase on Activity Tracker Usage. MKWI 2016 Proceedings
- Markovic, K., Kebou Temdemnou, A., Ernst, C.-P. H. (2016): The Influence of Perceived Reputation Enhancement on Wearable Action Camera Usage. MKWI 2016 Proceedings
- Wimmer, J., Ernst, C.-P. H., Herrmann, S., Rothlauf, F. (2016): Social Network Sites: The Influence of the Number of Friends on Social Capital. MKWI 2016 Proceedings
- Ernst, C.-P. H., Pfeiffer, J., Rothlauf, F. (2015): The Influence of Social Curiosity on the Observing Behavior of Users on Social Network Sites. AMCIS 2015 Proceedings
- Ernst, C.-P. H., Pfeiffer, J., Rothlauf, F. (2015): Privacy Protecting Behavior in Social Network Sites. AMCIS 2015 Proceedings
- Ernst, C.-P. H., Hock, C., Rothlauf, F. (2015): Proposing a Research Model for Slot Machine Usage. AMCIS 2015 Proceedings
- Ernst, C.-P. H., Ernst, A. W. (2015): Why People Play Pokémon: The Role of Perceived Belonging. AMCIS 2015 Proceedings
- Ernst, C.-P. H. (2014): Risk Hurts Fun: The Influence of Perceived Privacy Risk on Social Network Site Usage. AMCIS 2014 Proceedings
- Ernst, C.-P. H., Wedel, K., Rothlauf, F. (2014): Students’ Acceptance of E-Learning Technologies: Combining the Technology Acceptance Model with the Didactic Circle. AMCIS 2014 Proceedings
- Ernst, C.-P. H., Pfeiffer, J., Rothlauf, F. (2013): The Influence of Perceived Belonging on Social Network Site Adoption. AMCIS 2013 Proceedings
- Ernst, C.-P. H., Rothlauf, F. (2012): Potenzielle Erfolgsfaktoren von SaaS-Unternehmen. MKWI 2012 Proceedings
- Ernst, C.-P. H., Rothlauf, F. (2012): SaaS-Geschäftsmodelle: Alle gleich, alle verschieden? MKWI 2012 Proceedings
Beiträge in Sammelbänden:
- Ernst, C.-P. H., Cruz Salge, M., Kleine, R. (2024): Measures Taken by Amazon.com to Ensure Order Fulfillment during the COVID-19 Pandemic. In: Proceedings of the IWEMB 2021 and 2022, S. Böhm, S. Suntrayuth (Hrsg.), Publiqation, Norderstedt, S. 251-262
- Malzahn, B., Ernst, C.-P. H. (2019): Einflussfaktoren der Nutzung digitaler Peer-to-Peer-Plattformen am Beispiel von Drivy. In: Angewandte Forschung in der Wirtschaftsinformatik 2019, M. R. Wolf, T. Barton, F. Herrmann, V. G. Meister, C. Müller, C. Seel (Hrsg.), mana-Buch, Heide, S. 159-167
- Ernst, C.-P. H., Scheurer, M. (2018): A Study on the Role of Self-Esteem in Reality TV Addiction. In: Combining Aesthetic and Psychological Approaches to TV Series Addiction, N. Camart, S. Lefait, A.-M. Paquet-Deyris, L. Romo (Hrsg.), Cambridge Scholars Publishing, Newcastle upon Tyne, UK, S. 226-236
- Ernst, C.-P. H., Scheurer, M., Rothlauf, F. (2018): TV Series Characters Feel Like Friends to Me: The Influence of Perceived Belonging on TV Series Addiction. In: Combining Aesthetic and Psychological Approaches to TV Series Addiction, N. Camart, S. Lefait, A.-M. Paquet-Deyris, L. Romo (Hrsg.), Cambridge Scholars Publishing, Newcastle upon Tyne, UK, S. 252-265
- Ernst, A. W., Ernst, C.-P. H. (2016): Success Comes to Those Who Are Successful: The Influence of Past Product Expectation Confirmation on Smartwatch Usage. In: The Drivers of Wearable Device Usage: Practice and Perspectives, C.-P. H. Ernst (Hrsg.), Springer, Cham, Schweiz, S. 49-58
- Mayer, F. M., Nguyen, D. T., Ernst, C.-P. H. (2016): An Analysis of the Potential Influence of Privacy Risk on Neuroheadset Usage. In: The Drivers of Wearable Device Usage: Practice and Perspectives, C.-P. H. Ernst (Hrsg.), Springer, Cham, Schweiz, S. 37-47
- Reinelt, P., Hadish, S., Ernst, C.-P. H. (2016): How Design Influences Headphone Usage. In: The Drivers of Wearable Device Usage: Practice and Perspectives, C.-P. H. Ernst (Hrsg.), Springer, Cham, Schweiz, S. 59-68
- Rheingans, F., Cikit, B., Ernst, C.-P. H. (2016): The Potential Influence of Privacy Risk on Activity Tracker Usage: A Study. In: The Drivers of Wearable Device Usage: Practice and Perspectives, C.-P. H. Ernst (Hrsg.), Springer, Cham, Schweiz, S. 25-35
- Rothlauf, F., Ernst, C.-P. H., Rivera, R. (2016): Production Factors and Economic Success of Indian Gambling: A Case Study on the Harrah's Cherokee Casino Resort. In: Comparative Indigenous Studies, M. Banerjee (Hrsg.), Universitätsverlag Winter, Heidelberg, S. 327-342
- Stock, B., Dos Santos Ferreira, T. P., Ernst, C.-P. H. (2016): Does Perceived Health Risk Influence Smartglasses Usage? In: The Drivers of Wearable Device Usage: Practice and Perspectives, C.-P. H. Ernst (Hrsg.), Springer, Cham, Schweiz, S. 13-23
- Weiz, D., Anand, G., Ernst, C.-P. H. (2016): The Influence of Subjective Norm on the Usage of Smartglasses. In: The Drivers of Wearable Device Usage: Practice and Perspectives, C.-P. H. Ernst (Hrsg.), Springer, Cham, Schweiz, S. 1-11
- Ernst, C.-P. H. (2015): Factors Driving Social Network Site Usage. Springer Gabler, Wiesbaden
- Ernst, C.-P. H. (2016): The Drivers of Wearable Device Usage: Practice and Perspectives. Springer, Cham, Schweiz
Sonstige Veröffentlichungen:
- Ernst, C.-P. H (2019): Lieferdrohnen: Luftpost. FAZ.NET, 22.04.2019
- Ernst, C.-P. H (2019): Luftpost. F.A.Z. , 16.04.2019, S. T2
- Ernst, C.-P. H (2019): Mensch gegen Maschine: Bots kaufen schneller. FAZ.NET, 25.01.2019
- Ernst, C.-P. H (2019): Mensch gegen Maschine: Bots kaufen automatisiert besonders begehrte Produkte im Internet. Menschen haben das Nachsehen. F.A.Z. , 22.01.2019, S. T4
- Ernst, C.-P. H. (2018): Die Einflussfaktoren von In-App-Käufen in Videospielen: Eine Untersuchung von Geduld und dem Vergnügen an Routineaufgaben. Symposium „Wissenschaft und Praxis im Austausch über aktuelle Herausforderungen“ 2018 Proceedings
- Ernst, C.-P. H (2018): Mehr Mut zum Emoticon. IHK WirtschaftsForum 06/2018, S. 38
- Ernst, C.-P. H (2017): Augmented Reality. Mac Life 11/2017, S. 146
- Ernst, C.-P. H (2017): Mit iOS 11 in die Augmented Reality. Macwelt.de, 21.09.2017
- Ernst, C.-P. H., Scheurer, M. (2017): The Influence of Social Curiosity on Reality TV Addiction. Symposium „Wissenschaft und Praxis im Austausch über aktuelle Herausforderungen“ 2017 Proceedings
- Ernst, C.-P. H., Anderie, L. (2016): Phänomen Pokémon Go: Und plötzlich war Nintendo das Doppelte wert. GamesMarkt 12/2016, S. 46-49
- Ernst, C.-P. H., Reinelt, P., Hadish, S. (2016): Headphone Usage: Design and Sound Quality. Symposium „Wissenschaft und Praxis im Austausch über aktuelle Herausforderungen“ 2016 Proceedings
- Ernst, C.-P. H., Pfeiffer, J., Rothlauf, F. (2013): Hedonic and Utilitarian Motivations of Social Network Site Adoption. Working Paper 01-2013, Department of Information Systems and Business Administration, Johannes Gutenberg-University, Mainz
- Measures Taken by Amazon.com to Ensure Order Fulfillment During the COVID-19 Pandemic; IWEMB 2022, Leipzig; 10/2022 [online]
- Vision 2030: New Digital Value Creation Processes in the Automotive Industry; ICII 2022, Virtual Conference; 06/2022 [online]
- Business Intelligence in the Database Marketing – A Case Study of a German Insurance Company; HICSS 2021, Poipu (Hawaii); 01/2021 [online]
- The Impact of Gender Stereotyping on the Perceived Likability of Virtual Assistants; AMCIS 2020, Salt Lake City (USA); 08/2020 [online]
- The Role of Sensory Attribute Categories in Online Fresh Food Purchase Behavior; AMCIS 2019, Cancún (Mexico); 08/2019
- The Influence of Social Curiosity on Real-Time Ridesharing Service Usage; AMCIS 2019, Cancún (Mexico); 08/2019
- Cooperation in the Fields of Dual Studies and Business Schools; Europe-China (DACH-Region) Forum on the Platform for Education Exchange 2019; Wien; 03/2019
- What Drives In-App Purchase Intention in Video Games? An Examination of Patience and the Enjoyment of Routine Tasks; AMCIS 2018, New Orleans (USA); 08/2018
- ‘If at First You Don't Succeed, Try, Try Again’ Might Not Always Make Sense: On the Influence of Past Technology Category Satisfaction on Technology Usage; AMCIS 2018, New Orleans (USA); 08/2018
- Die Einflussfaktoren von In-App-Käufen in Videospielen; Forschungssymposium "Wissenschaft und Praxis im Austausch über aktuelle Herausforderungen", Frankfurt am Main; 04/2018
- The Influence of Emoticons on the Perception of Job-Related Emails: An Analysis Based on the Four-Ear Model; MKWI 2018, Lüneburg; 03/2018
- Autonomous Car Acceptance: Safety vs. Personal Driving Enjoyment; AMCIS 2017, Boston (USA); 08/2017
- Factors Driving Prosocial Online Behavior; AMCIS 2017, Boston (USA); 08/2017
- The Influence of Disgust on Technology Acceptance; AMCIS 2017, Boston (USA); 08/2017
- Some Thoughts on Smart Toy Acceptance; HICSS 2017, Waikoloa Village (Hawaii); 01/2017
- The Influence of Perceived Belonging on Massively Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Games; HICSS 2017, Waikoloa Village (Hawaii); 01/2017
- A Study on the Role of Self-Esteem in Reality TV Addiction; Series & Addiction Conference II 2016, Nanterre (Frankreich); 12/2016
- The Influence of Privacy Risk on Smartwatch Usage; AMCIS 2016, San Diego (USA); 08/2016
- The Usage of Augmented Reality Smartglasses: The Role of Perceived Substitutability; AMCIS 2016, San Diego (USA); 08/2016
- Headphone Usage: Design and Sound Quality; Forschungssymposium "Wissenschaft und Praxis im Austausch über aktuelle Herausforderungen", Frankfurt am Main; 04/2016
- Antecedents of Willingness to Share Information in Supply Chain IS; MKWI 2016, Ilmenau; 03/2016
- Social Network Sites: The Influence of the Number of Friends on Social Capital; MKWI 2016, Ilmenau; 03/2016
- The Influence of Perceived Health Increase on Activity Tracker Usage; MKWI 2016, Ilmenau; 03/2016
- The Influence of Perceived Reputation Enhancement on Wearable Action Camera Usage; MKWI 2016, Ilmenau; 03/2016
- TV Series Characters Feel Like Friends to Me - The Influence of Perceived Belonging on TV Series Addiction; Series & Addiction Conference 2016, Nanterre (Frankreich); 02/2016
- The Influence of Social Curiosity on the Observing Behavior of Users on SNSs; AMCIS 2015, Fajardo (Puerto Rico); 08/2015
- Privacy Protecting Behavior in SNSs; AMCIS 2015, Fajardo (Puerto Rico); 08/2015
- Proposing a Research Model for Slot Machine Usage; AMCIS 2015, Fajardo (Puerto Rico); 08/2015
- Why People Play Pokémon: The Role of Perceived Belonging; AMCIS 2015, Fajardo (Puerto Rico); 08/2015
- Risk Hurts Fun: The Influence of Perceived Privacy Risk on Social Network Site Usage; AMCIS 2014, Savannah (USA); 08/2014
- The Influence of Perceived Belonging on Social Network Site Adoption; AMCIS 2013, Chicago (USA); 08/2013
- SaaS-Geschäftsmodelle: Alle gleich, alle verschieden? CloudConf 2012, München; 11/2012
- Potenzielle Erfolgsfaktoren von SaaS-Unternehmen; MKWI 2012, Braunschweig; 03/2012
- SaaS-Geschäftsmodelle: Alle gleich, alle verschieden? MKWI 2012, Braunschweig; 03/2012
- Der Einfluss von Emoticons auf die Wahrnehmung berufsbezogener E-Mails; Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences, Frankfurt am Main: Brown Bag Seminar; 12/2018
- The Why and How of Wearable Device Usage; Hochschule Mainz, Mainz: Gastvortrag; 05/2018
- Deutsche Familienunternehmen: Charakteristika und Herausforderungen der Unternehmensnachfolge; Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences, Frankfurt am Main: Vortrag im Rahmen des Besuchs einer Delegation aus China; 04/2018
- Deutsche Familienunternehmen: Chancen und Herausforderungen durch Industrie 4.0; Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz: Vorträge im Rahmen der Besuche von Delegationen aus China; 06/2017, 08/2017, 10/2017 (2x), 03/2018, 04/2018
- Soziale Onlinenetzwerke: Der Einfluss der Freundesanzahl auf das soziale Kapital; Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences, Frankfurt am Main: Brown Bag Seminar; 05/2017
- Ökonomische Erfolgsfaktoren von indianischen Casinos; Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences, Frankfurt am Main: Brown Bag Seminar; 12/2016
- Warum Menschen Pokémon spielen: Der Einfluss von Empfundener Zugehörigkeit; Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences, Frankfurt am Main: 50-Jahr-Feier des Fachbereichs 3; 12/2016
- Chancen und Herausforderungen durch Industrie 4.0; Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences, Frankfurt am Main: Vortrag im Rahmen des Besuchs einer Delegation aus China; 09/2016
- Ein Jahrhundert „Made in Germany“: Tradition und Management deutscher Familienunternehmen von der Industrialisierung bis Industrie 4.0; Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz: Vorträge im Rahmen der Besuche von Delegationen aus China; 09/2016, 10/2016 (2x)
- „Sheldon Cooper ist wie ein Freund für mich“: Der Einfluss von empfundener Zugehörigkeit auf Seriensucht; Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences, Frankfurt am Main: Brown Bag Seminar; 07/2016
- Wearable Device Usage; Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences, Frankfurt am Main: Alumni Treffen des Fachbereichs 3; 01/2016
- Factors Driving Wearable Device Usage; Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences, Frankfurt am Main: Brown Bag Seminar; 11/2015
- The Why and How of Social Network Site Usage; Harvard University, Cambridge (USA): Gastvortrag; 03/2014
- Moderation: Sino-German International Innovation Forum for Intelligent Connected Vehicles, München; 09/2022
- Computing in Smart Toys (Podiumsdiskussion); HICSS 2017, Waikoloa Village (Hawaii); 01/2017
- Digitalisierung der Produktion – Anforderungen an das Personal, Auswirkungen auf die Arbeitswelt und Bewältigungsstrategien (World Café); Innovationsworkshop: Industrie 4.0 und die Digitalisierung der Produktion (Workshop der Innovationsberatung der hessischen Industrie- und Handelskammern in Zusammenarbeit mit der Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences), Frankfurt am Main; 06/2016
- Transforming Business (Podiumsdiskussion); CeBIT Global Conferences 2016, Hannover; 03/2016
- Zugehörigkeit, Nähe, Einsamkeit, Angst - Zwischenmenschliche Kontakte im digitalen Raum (Session-Leitung inkl. Vortrag und Diskussion); #CDUdigital (offener Mitgliederkongress der CDU zum Thema Digitalisierung), Berlin; 09/2015
- Connecting the World (Podiumsdiskussion); CeBIT Global Conferences 2015, Hannover; 03/2015