Prof. Dr. - Ing. Patrick Metzler
A 030
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65022 Wiesbaden
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Unterlagen zu den Lehrveranstaltungen finden Sie in stud-ip.
10/86 - 9/92
Universität Kaiserslautern (heutige TU)
Vordiplome in Maschinenwesen und Elektrotechnik
Diplom in Elektrotechnik
10/92 - 4/97
Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter am Lehrstuhl für Hochspannungstechnik und EMV, Fachbereich Elektrotechnik der Universität Kaiserslautern, Prof. Dr.-Ing. Paul Weiß.
Promotion am Fachbereich Elektrotechnik der Universität Kaiserslautern
„Elektrostatische Ertüchtigung eines modularen Düsenwäschers"
5/97 - 9/01
Heidelberger Druckmaschinen AG Werk Kiel-Suchsdorf
1/99 Ausgründung zur NexPress GmbH
Gruppenleiter Entwicklung (Farbregisterregelung, System-Engineering)
10/01 - 12/04
„Technical Lead" für das Produkt AutoTrac bei den John Deere Werken Zweibrücken.
AutoTrac führt selbsttätig Traktoren GPS gestützt über das Feld.
Ernennung zum Professor für technische Informatik und Automatisierungstechnik an der Fachhochschule Wiesbaden
Dietmar Hecker, Stephanie Eckrich, Jutta Engel, Saskia Mathieu, Maximilian Linxweiler, Astrid Simon, Patrick Metzler, Bernhard Schick
Using intelligent algorithms on singleweeps to evaluate thresholds and waveforms of brainstem evoked response audiometry (BERA) on animal model
Laryngo-Rhino-Otologie, 2020, 99. Jg., Nr. S 02.
Saskia Mathieu, Paule F. Yemen, Maximilian Linxweiler, Bernhard Schick, Achim Langenbucher, Patrick Metzler, Dietmar Hecker: Automatisierte Abschätzung der Hörschwelle und Wachstumsfunktion früher akustisch evozierter Hirnstammpotentiale (BERA) mittels künstlicher Intelligenz 22. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Audiologie
Patrick Metzler, Bernhard Schick, Dietmar Hecker: Single Sweep Analyse von BERA-Messungen mit Matlab, Matlab Expo 2017, 27. Juni, München
Patrick Metzler: Low Cost Mitbauregelstrecke für weltweiten Onlinekurs, Matlab Expo 2016, 10. Mai, München
Peter Dannenmann, Patrick Metzler, Georg Fries (Dez. 2015): Mooc (Massive Open Online Course) Modelling and Simulation using Simulink
Patrick Metzler: Precise Calculation of Propabillities of the UEFA Round of 16 Draw, INFORMSAPS 2015,
Peter Dannenmann, Patrick Metzler, Georg Fries, et al (Dez. 2015): Mooc (Massive Open Online Course) Modelling and Simulation using Matlab
Stephan Deublein, Patrick Metzler, Jadran Vrabec & Hans Hasse (2012): Automated development of force fields for the calculation of thermodynamic properties; acetonitrile as a case study, Molecular Simulation,
P. Metzler, P. Weiß, H. Büttner und F. Ebert : Electrostatic enhancement of dust separation in a nozzle scrubber; Journal of Electrostatics 42 (1997) pp 123-141
Metzler Patrick, Flohr Werner, Hoeh Michael: US Patent 7,480,564
System for determining the relative position of a second farm vehicle in relation to a first farm vehicle
Flohr Werner, Vollmar Uwe, Metzler Patrick: US Patent 7,253,721
Vehicle/implement coupling condition monitoring system
Dobberstein Dieter, Dworschak Walter, Engeln Christian, Hunold Heiko, Metzler Patrick, Peter Karlheinz, Spilz Rolf, Theden Stefan: US Patent 7,162,956
Method and control device for determining a register error
Liston Christopher, Metzler Patrick, Peter Karlheinz, Petersen Ralph, Dreher Ingo: US Patent 6,934,041
Method and apparatus for minimizing the influence of register differences
Metzler: US Patent 6,920,292
Method and control device for prevention of image plane registration errors
Metzler: US Patent 6,848,361
Control device and method to prevent register errors
Metzler Patrick, Schrader Stefan: US Patent 6,836,635
Method and control device for preventing register errors
Metzler: Patent US 6,817,295
Method and illustration device for register mark setting
Peter Karlheinz, Spilz Rolf, Metzler Patrick, Theden Stefan: US Patent 6,734,449
Device for detecting the location of an edge of a transparent material, web edge control and printing press
Dreher Ingo, Hunold Heiko, Metzler Patrick, Schrader Stefan: US Patent 6,718,879
Process and device for determining registration errors
Metzler Patrick, Petersen Ralph: US Patent 6,682,163
Method and device for detecting and correcting chromatic aberrations in multicolor printing
Metzler: Patent US 6,631,680
Printing unit for a printing machine
Dreher Ingo, Hunold Heiko, Metzler Patrick, Schrader Stefan: US Patent 6,619,209
Process and printing machine for determining registration errors
Hunold Heiko, Metzler Patrick: US Patent 6,615,732
Method and apparatus for setting register on a multicolor printing machine
Buch Donald, Hunold Heiko, Kowalczyk Michael, Liston Christopher, Metzler Patrick, Peffer Robert, Peter Karlheinz, Thompson John: US Patent 6,591,747
Method and apparatus for correcting register faults in a printing machine
Metzler: US Patent 6,587,652
Adjusting devices and method taking substrate changes into account for generating color separations in a multicolor printing machine
Bucks Rodney, Liston Christopher, Metzler Patrick: US 6,553,906
Method and apparatus for sensing a register discrepancy in a multi-color printed item, and register control system and register marks
Hunold Heiko, Petersen Ralph, Metzler Patrick: US 6,532,873
Method and apparatus for setting registration in a printing machine
Dreher Ingo, Hunold Heiko, Liston Christopher, Metzler Patrick, Peter Karlheinz: US 6,522,857
Method and apparatus for setting registration in a multicolor printing machine based on printing substrates
Dreher Ingo, Liston Christopher, Metzler Patrick, Peter Karlheinz: US Patent 6,519,423
Method and apparatus for setting registration in a multicolor printing machine based on printing substrate grade
Metzler Patrick, Peter Karlheinz: US 6,496,678
Method and apparatus for setting registration in a multicolor printing machine based on change in dimensions of printing substrate
Buch Donald, Dreher Ingo, Hunold Heiko, Liston Christopher, Metzler Patrick, Mordhorst Michael, Pareigis Stephan, Peffer Robert, Peter Karlheinz, Petersen Ralph, Pierel Frank, Thompson John, Voss Günther: US Patent 6,493,012
Method and apparatus for setting register on a multicolor printing machine by time independent allocation of positions of image productions to printing substrates
Liston Christopher, Metzler Patrick: US Patent 6,480,693
Method and apparatus for correcting registration faults based on changes in machine state in a multicolor printing machine
Henderson Thomas, Liston Christopher, Metzler Patrick, Peter Karlheinz: US Patent 6,421,522
Method and apparatus for setting registration in a multicolor printing machine based on a change in toner profile
Compera Christian, Metzler Patrick, Rodi Anton, Schonfeld Carsten, Schulz Peter, Weiss Paul: US 6,267,225
Sheet-conveying device for machines used in the printing technology
Compera Christian, Dworschak Walter, Bartscher Gerhard, Metzler Patrick: US Patent 6,092,800
Device for conveying sheets in a printing machine
Metzler Patrick, Bartscher Gerhard: DE 10044908
Imaging device for electrographic printer has recording medium provided with charge islands selectively charged via electrodes adjacent recording medium surface
Hoffmann Uwe, Metzler Patrick, Peter Karlheinz, Runkowske Holger, Liston Christopher: EP1735162
Method for adjusting a print head