Prof. Dr. Friedhelm Schönfeld | Ingenieurmathematik
A2 Süd - 132
Postfach 3251
65022 Wiesbaden
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65428 Rüsselsheim
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Aktuelle (vorherige) Lehrveranstaltungen
- Analysis 1 & 2; Umwelttechnik (Bachelor)
- Schadstoffausbreitung und Simulation 1 & 2; Umwelttechnik (Bachelor)
- Lineare Algebra; Umwelttechnik (Bachelor)
- Analysis 1 & 2; Angewandte Physik (Bachelor)
- Mathematische Methoden der Physik; Angewandte Physik (Master)
- Höhere Mathematik; Medizintechnik (Master)
- Mathematik 1 - 3; Maschinenbau (Bachelor)
- ... Skripte, Übungsaufgaben etc. finden sich auf StudIP unter den entsprechenden Lehrveranstaltungen
Themenbereiche: Mathematik / Modellierung / Simulation von ingenieurtechnischen Fragestellungen / Umwelttechnik / Mikrofluidik
Für Beratung und evtl. Betreuung von Studien bzw. Abschlussarbeiten im genannten Umfeld stehe ich gerne zur Verfügung. Bitte sprechen Sie mich an!
Kontakte bzgl. Studienarbeiten und Praktika im Umfeld Mikrotechnik / Mikrofluidik finden Sie unter
- Mathematische Modellierung
- Simulation (Computational Fluid Dynamics; Multiphysics)
- Mikrofluidik
- Schadstoffausbreitung
Max-Planck-Institut für Polymerforschung / Arbeitskreis Physik der Polymere
TU-Darmstadt / Center of Smart Interfaces / Nano- und Mikrofluidik
Fraunhofer ICT-IMM / Abteilung Mikrofluidische Analysesysteme
Publication info: DE102009045403 (A1) — 2011-04-07
Publication info: WO2010086328 (A1) — 2010-08-05
Publication info: WO2009152997 (A2) — 2009-12-23
Publication info: WO2008129036 (A1) — 2008-10-30
Publication info: WO2008128735 (A1) — 2008-10-30
Publication info: US2008227185 (A1) — 2008-09-18
Publication info: US2002124897 (A1) — 2002-09-12
Publication info: WO02070932 (A2) — 2002-09-12
Publication info: DE10148615 (A1) — 2003-04-24
63. Maron. C, Schönfeld, F., Zusammenhang von Ultrafeinstaubkonzentration und Flugverkehr - Auswertung von Langzeitmessungen in Raunheim, nahe des Flughafens Frankfurt, Gefahrstoffe - Reinhaltung der Luft (2020) 80/10, 405. VDI Journal: www.gefahrstoffe.de
62. Pinchasik, B.-E., Schönfeld, F., Kappl, M., Butt, H.-J., Schönfeld, F., Bubbles nucleating on superhydrophobic micropillar arrays under flow, Soft Matter (2019) 15, 8175.
61. Alebrand, S., Drese, K., Baßler, M., Schönfeld, F. (2016), Zählen, Sortieren und Charakterisieren. Physik in unserer Zeit (2016) 47, 91.
60. Kappes, R. S., Schönfeld, F., Li, C., Golriz, A.A., Nagel, M., Lippert, T., Butt, H.-J., Gutmann, J. S., A study of photothermal laser ablation of various polymers on microsecond time scales, SpringerPlus (2014) 3, 489.
59. Zakerin, M., Kappl, M., Backus, E.H.G., Butt, H.-J., Schönfeld, F., Capillary forces between rigid spheres and elastic supports: the role of Young's modulus and equilibrium vapor adsorption, Soft Matter (2013) 9, 4534.
58. Ziegenbalg, D., Kompter, C., Schönfeld, F., Kralisch, D., Evaluation of different micromixers by CFD simulations for the anionic polymerisation of styrene, Green Processing and Synthesis (2012), 1(2), 211.
57. Kappes, R. S., Schönfeld, F., Li, C., Gutmann, J. S., Butt, H.-J., Temperature analysis of laser heated polymers on microsecond time scales, Applied Physics A (2012) 106(4), 791.
56. Al-Rawashdeh, M., Cantu-Perez, A., Ziegenbalg, D., Löb, P., Gavriilidis, A., Hessel, V., Schönfeld,Microstructure-based Intensification of a Falling Film Microreactor through optimal film setting with realistic profiles and in-channel induced mixing, Chemical Engineering Journal (2012) 179, 318.
55. Baier, T., Schönfeld, F., Hardt, S., Analytical approximations to the flow field induced by electroosmosis during isotachophoretic transport through a channel, Journal of Fluid Mechanics (2011) 682, 101.
54. Butt, H.-J., Barnes, W.J.P., Del Campo Becares, A., Kappl, M., Schönfeld, F. Capillary forces between soft, elastic spheres, Soft Matter (2010) 6, 5930.
53. Ziegenbalg, D., Löb, P., Al-Rawashdeh, M., Kralisch, D., Hessel V., Schönfeld, F., Use of ‘Smart Interfaces’ to Improve the Liquid-Sided Mass Transport in a Falling Film Microreactor, Chemical Engineering Science (2010) 65, 3557.
52. Löb, P., Schütt, C., Illg, T., Krtschil, U., Hofmann, C., Metzke, D., Kost, H.-J., Baier, T., Brunklaus, S., Schelhaas, K.-P., Hessel, V., Schönfeld, F., Consideration of flow distribution within a multi-scale reactor set-up for ionic liquid production, Proc. South African Chemical Engineering Congress 2009, ISBN 978-1-920355-21-0
51. Schönfeld, F., Goet, G., Hardt, S., Transition zone dynamics in combined isotachophoretic and electro-osmotic transport, Physics of Fluids (2009) 21(9), 092002.
50. Baier, T., Mohanty, S., Drese, K.S., Rampf, F., Kim, J., Schönfeld, F., Modelling immunomagnetic cell capture in CFD, Microfluid Nanofluid (2009) 7, 205.
49. Al-Rawashdeh, M., Hessel, V., Löb, P., Mevissen, K., Schönfeld, F., Pseudo 3-d simulation of a falling ?lm microreactor based on realistic channel and ?lm pro?les, Chemical Engineering Science (2008) 63, 5149.
48. Mouzaa, A.A., Patsaa, C.-M., Schönfeld, F., Mixing performance of a chaotic micro-mixer, Chem. Eng. Research and Design (2008) 86, 1128.
47. Schönfeld, F., Graf, K., Hardt, S., Butt, H.J., Evaporation dynamics of sessile liquid drops in still air with constant contact radius, Int. Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer (2008) 51, 3696.
46. Münchow, G., Schönfeld, F., Hardt, S., Protein diffusion across the interface in aqueous two-phase systems, Langmuir (2008) 24(16), 8547.
45. Schönfeld, F., Hardt, S., Dynamic Contact Angles in CFD Simulations, Computers and Fluids (2009) 38, 757.
44. Schönfeld, F., Droplet Evaporation, Encyclopedia of Micro- and Nano-Fluidics Springer, May 2008.
43. Schönfeld, F.; Dadic, D.; Pinzón, J.; Schmitz, F.; Weniger, M., Methods of energizing micro flows by acoustic and electric fields In: Technical Proceedings Nanotech 2007, 3, 312.
42. Schönfeld, F.; Pinzón, J.; Weniger, M., Slug mixing by acoustic streaming in lab-chips In: Micro Total Analysis Systems. Proceedings of µTAS 2007, TokyParis, Fr; Jean Louis Viovy e.a.(Ed.). -San Diego, CA : CBMS, 2007, 321.
41. Serra, C., Schlatter, G., Sary, N., Schönfeld, F., Hadziioannou, G., Free Radical Polymerization in Multilaminated Microreactors: 2D and 3D multiphysics numerical simulations, Microfluidics Nanofluidics (2006) 3(4), 451.
40. Schönfeld, F., Hardt, S., Böhm, M., Püschl, R.J., Walder, M., Wenclawiak, B., Electroosmotic flow patterning using microfluidic delay loops, Lab Chip (2006) 6, 1525.
39. Bonaccurso, E., Schönfeld, F., Butt, H.-J., Electrostatic forces acting on tip and cantilever in atomic force microscopy, Physical Review B (2006) 74, 085413 and in Sept. 4 issue of Virtual Journal of Nanoscale Science & Technology (APS).
38. Haschke, T., Bonaccurso, E., Butt, H.-J., Lautenschläger, D., Schönfeld, F., Wiechert, W., Sessile-drop-induced bending of atomic force microscope cantilevers: a model system for monitoring microdrop evaporation, J. Micromech. Microeng. (2006) 16, 2273.
37. Hardt, S., Pennemann, H., Schönfeld, F., Theoretical and Experimental Characterization of a Low-Reynolds-Number Split-and-Recombine Mixer, Microfluidics Nanofluidics (2006) 2(3) 237.
36. Schönfeld, F., CµFD: Simulation in der Mikrofluidik, NAFEMS Magazin (2005) 2, 28.
35. Hardt, S., Drese, K.S., Hessel, V., Schönfeld, F., Passive micro mixers for applications in the micro reactor and µTAS field, Microfluidics Nanofluidics (2005) 1(2), 108.
34. Schöler, L., Lange, B., Seibel, K., Schäfer, H., Walder, M., Friedrich, N., Ehrhardt, D., Schönfeld, F., Zech, G., Böhm, M. Monolithically integrated micro flow sensor for lab-on-chip applications, J. Microelectronic Eng. (2005) 164, 78.
33. Mielnik, M., Ekatpure, R., Saetran, L., Schönfeld, F., Sinusoidal Crossflow Microfiltration Device - Experimental and Computational Flowfield Analysis, Lab Chip (2005) 5(8), 897.
32. Baier, T., Drese, K.S., Schönfeld, F., Schwab, U., A µ-Fluidic Mixing Network, Chem. Eng. Technol. (2005), 28(3), 362.
31. Hardt, S., Jiang F., Schönfeld, F., A computational analysis of the hydrodynamic instability of a liquid jet focussed into a converging microchannel, Int. J. Multiphase Flow (2005) 31, 739.
30. Hessel, V., Löwe, H., Schönfeld, F., Micro mixers - a review on passive and active mixing principles, Chem. Eng. Sci. (2005) 60, 2479.
29. Jiang, F., Drese, K.S., Hardt, S., Küpper, M., Schönfeld, F., Helical flows and chaotic mixing in curved micro channels, AIChE J. 50 (2004) 9, 2297.
28. Schönfeld, F., Drese, K.S., Hardt, S., Hessel, V., Hofmann, C., Optimized distributive µ-mixing by ‚chaotic’ multilamination, Proceedings of the 2004 Nanotechnology Conference Vol 1 (2004) 378.
27. Schönfeld, F., Hardt, S., Simulation of helical flows in micro channels, AIChE J. (2004) 50(4), 771.
26. Hessel, V., Hofmann, C., Löwe, H., Meudt, A., Scheurer, S., Schönfeld, F., Werner, B., Selectivity gains and energy savings for the industrial phenyl boronic acid process using micromixer / tubular reactors, Organic Process Research & Development (2004) 8(3), 511.
25. Griebel, A., Rund, S., Schönfeld, F., Dörner, W., Konrad W., Hardt S., Integrated polymer chip for two-dimensional capillary gel electrophoresis, Lab Chip (2004) 4, 18.
24. Schönfeld, F., Hardt, S., Hessel, V., Hofmann, C., Optimiertes distributives Mischen mittels "chaotischer" Multilamination, Chem. Ing. Technik (2004) 76(5), 614.
23. Schönfeld, F., Hessel, V., Hofmann, C., An Optimised Split-and-Recombine Micro Mixer with Uniform ‘Chaotic’ Mixing, Lab Chip (2004) 4, 65.
22. Schönfeld, F., Rensink, D., Simulation of Droplet Generation by Mixing Nozzles, Chem. Eng. Technol. (2003) 26(5), 585.
21. Löb, P., Drese, K., Hessel, V., Hardt, S., Hofmann, C., Löwe, H., Schenk, R., Schönfeld, F., Werner, B., Steering of liquid mixing speed in interdigital micro mixers - from very fast to deliberately slow mixing, Chem. Eng. Technol. (2004) 27(3), 340.
20. Schenk, R., Hessel, V., Hofmann, C., Löwe, H., Schönfeld, F., Novel Liquid-Flow Splitting Unit Specifically Made for Numbering-Up of Liquid/Liquid Chemical Microprocessing, Chem. Eng. Technol. (2003) 26(12), 1271.
19. Schönfeld, F., Griebel, A., Konrad, R., Rink, S., Karlsen, F., Development of a µ-concentrator using dielectrophoretic forces, JALA (2002) 7(6), 130.
18. Hessel, V., Hardt, S., Löwe, H., Schönfeld, F., Laminar Mixing in Interdigital Micromixers with Different Mixing Chambers – Part 1: Experimental Characterization, AIChE J. (2003) 49, 566.
17. Hardt, S., Schönfeld, F., Laminar Mixing in Interdigital Micromixers with Different Mixing Chambers – Part 11:Numerical Simulation, AIChE J. (2003) 49, 587.
16. Hardt, S., Schönfeld, F., Weise, F., Hofmann, C., Hessel, V., Ehrfeld, W., Mixing and emulsification processes in micromixers, Advances in Fluid Mechanics: Computational Methods in Multiphase Flow, Ed. H. Power & C.A. Brebbia, WIT PRESS, Southampton, 2001, 217.
15. Hardt, S., Schönfeld, F., Weise, F., Hofmann, C., Ehrfeld, W., Simulation of droplet formation in micromixers, Proc. Of 4th Int. Conf. on Modeling and Simulation of Microsystems, Hilton Head Island, 2001, Computational Publications, Cambridge, 2001, 223.
14. Schenk, R., Hessel, V., Werner, B., Schönfeld, F., Hofmann, C., Donnet, M., Jongen, N., Micromixers as tool for powder production, In: Proceedings of 15 th International Symposium on Industrial Crystallization : September, 15-18, Sorrento, Italy / promoted by: The Working Party on Crystallization, EFCE: the European Federation of Chemical Engineering, Vol. 2. Chianese, A. (Ed.), (2002) 909.
13. Buscaglia, M., Buscaglia, V., Viviani, M., Testino, A., Nanni, P., Bowen, M., Donnet, M., Jongen, N., Schenk, R., Hessel, V., Schönfeld, F., Continuous precipitation of ultrafine (20-500nm) BaTio3 particles in a Segmented Flow Tubular Reactor (SFTR). In: Proceedings of 15 th International Symposium on Industrial Crystallization : September, 15-18, Sorrento, Italy / promoted by: The Working Party on Crystallization, EFCE: the European Federation of Chemical Engineering, Vol. 3. Chianese, A. (Ed.), (2002) 1341.
12. Hessel, V., Löwe, H., Hofmann, C., Schönfeld, F., Wehle, D., Werner, B., Process Development of a Fast Reaction of Industrial Importance Using a Caterpillar Micromixer/Tubular Reactor Set-up, In: IMRET 6 : 6th International Conference on Microreaction Technology : Conference Proceedings, AIChE Spring Meeting, March 10-14, 2002, New Orleans, LA. New York: AIChE (2002) 39.
11. Hardt, S., Schönfeld, F., Simulation of Hydrodynamics in Multi-Phase Microreactors, WCCM V Fifth World Congress on Computational Mechanics, Eds.: H.A. Mang, F.G. Rammerstorfer, J. Eberhardsteiner (2001) 226.
10. Hardt, S., Schönfeld, F., Weise, F., Hofmann, C., Ehrfeld, W., Simulation of Droplet Formation in Micromixers, In: 2001 International Conference on Modeling and Simulation of Microsystems : MSM 2001. Cambridge, 2001, 223.
9. Klümper, A., Raupach, R., Schönfeld, F., Pressure dependence and non-universal effects of microscopic couplings on the spin-Peierls transition in CuGeO3, Eur. Phys. J. B (2000) 17, 51.
8. Uhrig, G.S., Schönfeld, F., Boucher, J., Horvatic, M., Soliton lattices in the incommensurate spin-Peierls phase: local distortions and magnetizations, Physical Review B (1999) 60, 9468.
7. Uhrig, G.S., Schönfeld, F., Laukamp, M., Dagotto, E., Unified quantum mechanical picture for confined spinons in dimerized and frustrated spin S=1/2 chains, Eur. Phys. J. B (1999) 7, 67.
6. Klümper, A., Raupach, R., Schönfeld, F., Finite temperature density-matrix-renormalization-group investigation of the spin-Peierls transition in CuGeO3, Physical Review B (1999) 59, 3612.
5. Schönfeld, F., Bouzerar, G., Uhrig G.S., Müller-Hartmann, E., On the incommensurate phase of modulated Heisenberg chains, Eur. Phys. J. B (1998) 5, 521.
4. Uhrig, G.S., Schönfeld, F., Boucher, J., A magnetic model for the incommensurate I-phase of spin-Peierls systems, Europhys. Lett. (1998) 41, 431.
3. Lorenz, T., Büchner, B., van Loosdrecht, P.H.M., Schönfeld, F., Chouteau, G., Revolevschi A., Dhalenne, G., The incommensurate phase of CuGeO3: from solitons to sinusoidal modulation, Phys. Rev. Lett. (1998) 81, 148.
2. Bouzerar, G., Kampf, A.P., Schönfeld, F., Magnetic excitations in the spin-Peierls system CuGeO3, elektronisch veröffentlicht: http://xxx.lanl.gov/abs/cond-mat/9701176.
1. Schönfeld, F., Kampf, A.P., Müller-Hartmann, E., Two-magnon Raman scattering in a spin density wave antiferromagnet, Zeitschrift für Physik B (1997) 102, 25; Physica B (1997) 230, 1067 (gekürzte Fassung).
Microfluidic Technologies for Miniaturized Analysis Systems
Springer Series: MEMS Reference Shelf
Hardt, Steffen; Schönfeld, Friedhelm (Eds.)
ISBN: 978-0-387-28597-9, Okt. 2007
‘Untersuchung dimerisierter, frustrierter Heisenbergketten mittels DMRG-Methoden’, Cuvillier, Göttingen 1999 – ISBN 3-89712-568-4.
‘Zwei-Magnon-Streuung im Spindichtewellen-Antiferromagneten'
(Institut für Theoretische Physik der Universität zu Köln – 1995)
Studium / Promotion:
1990 – 1995: Physikstudium an der Universität zu Köln
1996 – 1999: Promotion in Theoretischer Physik:
Institut für Mikrotechnik Mainz (IMM) GmbH
1999 – 2001 Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter
2001 - 2003 Projektleiter
2004 - 2008 Gruppenleiter: Mathematische Modellierung und Simulation
Hochschule RheinMain
Seit 2008 Professor für Ingenieurmathematik am
FB Ingenieurwissenschaften