Lea Heide Schwehn
Postfach 3251
65022 Wiesbaden
Bleichstraße 3
65183 Wiesbaden
Academic Background
- seit 01/2022 - Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin zur Promotion, Wiesbaden Business School - Betreuer: Prof. Dr. Till Dannewald & Prof. Dr. Tobias Heußler
- 10/2020 - 10/2021 - International Marketing, M.Sc., Edinburgh Napier University, Scotland
- 08/2017 - 02/2018 - Exchange Program, Rotterdam Business School, Netherlands
- 03/2016 - 09/2019 - International Business Administration mit Schwerpunkt Marketing, B.A., Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences, Frankfurt am Main
- 03/2023 - 09/2023 - Wissenschaftliches Mitglied im örtlichen Personalrat Wiesbaden, Hochschule RheinMain
- 04/2022-12/2023 - Wissenschaftliches Mitglied der Kommission „Internationalisierung“, Hochschule RheinMain
- 10/2022-12/2022 - Mitglied der AG „Leitfaden Gendergerechte Sprache"
Research Interests
- Sustainable Mobility
- Corporate Mobility & Transportation
- Women in Sales
- Sales Ethics
Articles in Refereed Journals
- Schwehn, L. H. and Heußler, T. (2022), „Zur Attraktivität von Mobilitätsbudgets: Modellentwicklung und Ableitung kommunikativer Handlungsempfehlungen“, transfer Zeitschrift für Kommunikation und Markenmanagement, 68 (4), 12-21.
Articles in Non-Refereed Journals
- Schwehn, L. H., Heußler, T., Bruns, A. (2024), “Driving Change in Corporate Mobility Management— Comprehensive Perspectives on Mobility Budgets for Employees“, Internationales Verkehrswesen, 4, 79-83.
(International) Conference Proceedings (double-blind peer reviewed)
- Schwehn, L. H., Heußler, T., Backhaus, C. (2025), “Driving Employee Satisfaction and Loyalty with Mobility Offerings: Strategic Implications for HRM” upcoming at Human Resources Conference – ICRHRM 2025, Madrid, Spain, April 2025.
- Schwehn, L. H. and Heußler, T. (2025), “Insights for Corporate Mobility Management: How Mobility Budgets Drive Satisfaction and Sustainable Change” upcoming at Transportation Research Symposium 2025, Rotterdam, Netherlands, May 2025.
- Schwehn, L. H. and Heußler, T. (2025), “Understanding Employee Attitudes Towards Transport Benefits: A Qualitative Study of Attitudinal Influences” upcoming at Transportation Research Symposium 2025, Rotterdam, Netherlands, May 2025.
- Schwehn, L. H. and Heußler, T. (2024), “Please (Don't) Help Me, I'm Stressed - The Impact of Chatbot Disclosure on The Behavioral Intention to Use Chatbots In Stressful Situations”, forthcoming at AMA Summer Academic Conference 2024, Boston, MA, USA, August 2024.
- Heußler, T. and Schwehn, L. H. (2024), “Exploring the Impact of Psychological Distance and Role Ambiguity on Sales Managers’ Ethical Judgments”, forthcoming at ISMS Marketing Science Conference 2024, Sydney, Australia, June 2024.
- Schwehn, L. H., Backhaus, C., Heußler, T. (2024), “Effectiveness of Summarised Ecolabels for Conscientious Brands” at Global Brand Conference – GBC 2024, Edinburgh, Scotland, April 2024.
- Schwehn, L. H. and Heußler, T. (2023), “Towards Modern and Sustainable Mobility Behavior in Companies - An Acceptance Model of Mobility Budgets” at World Conference on Transport Research - WCTR 2023, Montréal, Canada, July 2023.
- Schwehn, L. H. and Heußler, T. (2023), “Modern Corporate Mobility Management Done Right – Developing an Acceptance Model for More Sustainable Mobility Concepts in Companies on the Basis of Mobility Budgets“ at AMA Marketing and Public Policy Conference, Arlington, VA, USA, June 2023.
- Schwehn, L. H. and Heußler, T. (2023), “How to Promote Self-Determined Sustainable Mobility Behavior With Mobility Budgets – Acceptance Model Development“ at EMAC Conference 2023, Odense, Denmark, May 2023.
- Schwehn, L. H. and Heußler, T. (2023), „Mobilitätsbudgets – ein Konzept für nachhaltige und multimodale Mobilität“ at 15th Wissenschaftsforum Mobilität 2023, Duisburg, May 2023.
Conference Proceedings (non-refereed)
- Schwehn, L. H. (2022), „Können Mobilitätsbudgets Verhalten verändern? Wie kann diese Veränderung gemessen werden?“, Symposium Marketingwissenschaftliche Ansätze bei der Ein-führung innovativer Technologien, Braunschweig, December 2022.