You would like to study in Germany and do not know how to proceed? On the page of the Federal Ministry of Education and Research you can find a lot of information that can help you decide and gives many tips for preparation:

Here you can find all information about the application procedure with foreign certificates as well as information about enrollment at the RheinMain University of Applied Sciences..

The application session for the winter semester 2024/25 is closed.

The application portal for the summer semester for the Studienkolleg and for Bachelor's degree programs via uni-assist will open mid to end of October.

The application portal for Master's degree programs via uni-assist will open on December 1, 2025.


Regardless of your nationality, you have to apply through the uni-assist platform. uni-assist takes over the expert examination of your application documents and forwards your valid application to the RheinMain University of Applied Sciences. All important information can be found at

Application for the Studienkolleg

Application for a Bachelor's degree program with restricted entrance (NC)

Application for all other programs

Please apply early so that you have time to submit any missing documents, if necessary. Only a complete application submitted by the application deadline is valid. You can find the check lists under "Downloads". The application is an online application, you have to upload all required document in the uni-assist application portal My assist.

The general requirements for admission to a place at RheinMain University of Applied Sciences are:

A valid university entrance qualification

Depending on the country in which you have obtained the "Abitur" (or secondary school leaving certificate such as Baccalauréat, High School Certificate, Lise Diplomasi, etc.), it is necessary to check whether your certificate entitles you to study in Germany. If you want to know whether your foreign certificates entitle you to study in Germany, please have a look at the page of or at the website of uni-assist "Check: university admission".

For admission to a master's degree program, you have to submit proof of a valid first university degree (Bachelor) from a recognized university completed in accordance with the prescribed study standard and, as a rule, on a full-time basis. This degree must be equivalent to a six- to eight-semester bachelor's degree completed in Germany. You can check if the institution you completed your degree at is a recognized instution in anabin under "Institution" and "Hochschulabschlüsse". The institutions marked H+ are recognized in Germany.

Sufficient German language skills for studying

Hochschule RheinMain requires proof of German proficiency at C1 level for studying. When applying, you can submit a certificate with level B2.

You do not have to submit proof  of C1 level until you enroll. In our "Fact sheet German language skills" you will find more information about the other possible German certificates Hochschule RheinMain accepts. Also check our website for more information about German certificates.

Meet the prerequisites for the desired degree program

Please find out about the content and admission requirements of your desired degree program BEFORE applying under "Degree Programs > klick on the desired degree program".

Meet the requirements for form and deadline when applying

  • The documents must be submitted in the original language and with a translation in German or English. The translation must be done by a sworn translator. This also applies if you have to hand in proof of internship with a list of the completed tasks. y a state sworn and authorized translator.
    You can search for suitable translators in your area on the website of the Federal Association of Interpreters and Translators (Bundesverband der Dolmetscher und Übersetzer, web site in German):
  • You must upload all required documents (transcripts, language certificates and additional documents depending on the study program)  to the uni-assist applicant portal MyA and submit all applications online by the application deadline. The uni-assist fee must also be transferred and received by the application deadline.


Application deadline for Studienkolleg

December 1/May 15:      for all degree programs

Application deadline for Bachelor's degree programs

January 15/July 15:       for all bachelor's degree programs with restricted entrance and the program 'Social Work BASA-Online'.

March 1/September 1:   for all other bachelor's degree program without restricted entrance

Application deadline for Master's degree programs

June 15:         Innenarchitektur - Conceptual Design (only for a winter semester)

January 15/July 15: 

  • Architektur | Bauen mit Bestand
  • Kommunikationsdesign - Crossmedia Spaces (only for a winter semester)
  • Media & Design Management (NC)
  • Nachhaltige Mobilität (on for a winter semester)
  • Real Estate (NC) (only for a winter semester)
  • Umweltmanagement und Stadtplanung in Ballungsräumen (auch berufsbegleitend)
  • Screen Arts
  • Soziale Arbeit (NC) (only for a summer semester)
  • Soziale Arbeit mit Schwerpunkt Bildung (only for a summer semester)
  • all master's degree programs of the Wiesbaden Business School, except for MA Management im Gesundheitswesen (deadline March 1/Sept. 1)

March 1/September 1:  all other master's degree programs

If you are applying for a Bachelor's degree program for a first semester, you can be exempted from the uni-assist application procedure. This applies in the following cases: 

  • Applicants who can present a certificate of assessment for direct admission to higher education with a stated average grade (according to the German grading system) from a central certificate recognition office in one of the federal states that is valid through­out Germany. Attention: the assessment notice of a university is not a generally valid notice and is usually only valid in the context of the application procedure for a specific semester at this university. If you have any doubts, please do not hesitate to ask us.
  • Applicants submitting a European Baccalaureate with the accompanying certificate of assessment of the European grade into a German grade;
  • Applicants who passed an assessment test at a Studienkolleg (preparatory course) in Hesse at one of the following locations: Darmstadt, Frankfurt, Kassel, Marburg;
  • Students at RheinMain University of Applied Sciences or applicants who have already received a letter of admission from RheinMain University of Applied Sciences for the same degree program in the previous semester.
  •  Applicants for a higher semester;
  • Application to one of the following bachelor programs:
    • Berufsbegleitendes Ingenieurstudium Elektrotechnik
    • Berufsbegleitendes Ingenieurstudium Maschinenbau

Please apply via HSRM COMPASS, the online portal of the RheinMain University of Applied Sciences.

Please note the deadlines for direct application via HSRM COMPASS (only in German).

You must submit German language skills in addition to the university entrance qualification.

There is no exception from the uni-assist procedure for an application for all Master's degree programs for a first semester, except for the Master's degree program in Social Work with a focus on Social Space Development and Organization. You apply for this program via Hochschule Fulda.

If you have received an admission notice that you wish to accept, enroll within the deadline stated in the notice. Your notification of admission will become invalid if your documents are not submitted to the Admissions Office within the specified period. How to enroll is described in the admission notice.

Please note: the correct submission of an enrollment form includes both the submission of the "Immatrikulationsantrag" (enrollment form) and, as a second step, the submission of the “Upload Immatrikulationsantrag" (Upload enrollment application, which is the step where you can upload all the required documents). The Admissions Office can only see your enrollment application if you proceeded through both steps.

Documents for enrollment

The enrollment process is an online process. Please do not hand in any documents in hard copy/paper.

You have to provide proof of membership in a statutory health insurance company. Please read more here:

If you are a minor (under 18 years old), we require the declaration of consent of your legal guardian.

If you have already studied in Germany (Studienkolleg excluded), you must submit the exmatriculation certificate from the former university or universities.

If you have already studied in Germany, you must also prove that you are still entitled to take examinations in the former degree program or that you have not definitively failed the examinations.

If you have never studied at a German university, you do not need proof of exmatriculation or examination entitlement.

You can find more information on matriculation in the downloads.

All the important information about admission requirements, language skills, application procedure and enrollment for you to download

Application for Studienkolleg

Application for a bachelor's degree program

Application for a master's degree program

You can find information about the application to a higher semester here (only in German).

Checklist for required documents

Checklist Studienkolleg

Checklist bachelor programs

Checklist master programs

German proficiency

Fact sheet German language skills

Degree programs

Programs overview

Studienkolleg: focus courses for degree programs

Admission and enrollment

Information Enrollment

Do you have any questions about applying with foreign certificates?

If you have any questions about applying with a foreign certificate and the application process, please feel free to contact:

Frau Ursula Haque
Frau Laure Leuschner

Phone: +49 611 9495 1550
Monday through Thursday from 09:00 to 12:00

Telephone consultation will end at 10:30 a.m. on Thursday, March 27th, 2025.

Consultation by telephone arrangement: on site or via video call.

Send an e-mail
Please note the longer processing times during the application phase and refrain from calling to inquire about your email.