Would you like support while working, researching and teaching in English?
The English for staff team can help you to develop strategies for working more effectively in English, particularly when communicating with non-native speakers of English. The different formats for teaching staff, researchers and admin staff in the faculties or in administration are designed so that everyone can find the most effective way to develop their English communication skills.

As part of the project Global Design & Media CoSpace, we offer individualized language support services to admin staff.

What we offer

Please click on the links below for more information:

We can help you to:

  • feel more comfortable when using English
  • start using English to speak to international students and staff
  • be ready to welcome our international students, staff and visitors

As part of the projects QUIS-DiVine and Global Design & Media CoSpace, we offer individualized language support services to teaching staff and researchers.

What we offer

Please click on the links below for more information:

Why do we offer English for academic staff?

  • To help you prepare and practice for teaching in English.
  • To work with you to find effective approaches and techniques for teaching non-native English-speaking students.
  • To support you with adapting your course content and teaching materials to acommodate non-native English-speaking students.

QUICK TIPS  (online)

Every month on the 13th at 1pm (unless it falls on a weekend).  Topics will be announced here in advance.

Coach: Shirley Roth

Where: https://hs-rm.zoom-x.de/my/shirley.roth


Quick Tips on 13th May at 1pm

Die englischen Zeitformen: brauchen wir sie alle?

Sind Sie sich unsicher, welche der englischen Zeitformen Sie verwenden sollen?  Hält Sie das davon ab, auf Englisch zu sprechen oder zu schreiben. Haben Sie Angst, Fehler zu machen? Wir werfen einen spielerischen Blick auf die wichtigsten Zeitformen und schauen uns an, welche Regeln besonders wichtig sind... und auch, um welche wir uns nicht kümmern müssen.



Feel free to write us an email: englishforstaff(at)hs-rm.de

The English for Staff Team:

Dr. Charla Schutte
Louise Klein M.A.
Dr. Shirley Roth

Click here to read testimonials from university staff members.