The President's Council is the highest self-governing body of the university. The President of RheinMain University of Applied Sciences Prof. Dr. Eva Waller chairs the President's Council and is empowered to make policy decisions and issue directives. She also represents the university to the public. With Vice-Presidents Prof. Dr. Andreas Brensing, Prof. Dr. Christian Schachtner and Dr. Tina Klug, the President cooperates with the Supervisory Board, with the Extended President's Council, the University Senate and the faculties in order to promote the internal and external development of RheinMain University of Applied Sciences, for example by working out and establishing target agreements.
The Senate advises on issues of research, teaching and study.
The Senate comprises 17 members from the following groups:
- 9 professors
- 5 students
- 1 academic staff member
- 2 administrative-technical staff members
The members of the President's Council, the Gender Equality Officer and the Chair of the Staff Council are advisory members of the Senate of the RheinMain University of Applied Sciences. The President chairs the Senate
The staff council represents the interests of the university's employees. Its competences and responsibilities are defined in the Hesse Employee Representation Act (HPVG).
The term of the council extends over four years and the current legislative session ends 2016.
Main staff council
Office: Kurt-Schumacher-Ring, WI, Gebäude A, Raum 335a
Telefon: +49 611 9495-1152
Fax: +49 611 9495-1153
E-Mail: gpr(at)
Staff council Wiesbaden
Office: Kurt-Schumacher-Ring 18, Gebäude A, Raum 335a
Telefon: +49 611 9495-1238
Fax: +49 611 9495-1153
E-Mail: pr-wi(at)
Staff council Rüsselsheim
Office: derzeit im Opel-Interim (OpenStreetMap-Karte)
Building C9, Raum 236 (2. Stock)
Telefon: +49 6142 898-4109
Fax: +49 6142 898-4118
E-Mail: pr-rue(at)
Further information about the staff council can be found in the Intranet.
- Development of basic guidelines for IT security (IT Security Policy)
- Development and continuous development of an IT security concept in cooperation with the Head of IT Center
- Coordinating the implementation of security procedures in consultation with the Head of IT Center
IT-Security Officer
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Jürgen Winter
Telefon: +49 6142 898-4214
E-Mail: juergen.winter(at)
According to the Hessian Data Protection Act (HDSG), the Data Protection Officer has the responsibility to support the data processing and the execution of the HDSG and other provisions concerning data protection and provides guidance for implementation. In planned actions, addressing privacy (right of freedom of information), the Data Protection Officer shall be informed and consulted. Employees and students can consult the Data Protection Officer in matters of data privacy.
Term of office: September 1, 2015 - August 31, 2020
Data Protection Officer
Prof. Dr. iur. Jürgen Sauer
Telephone: +49 611 9495-1305
E-Mail: juergen.sauer(at)
Women's Representative and Gender Equality Commissioner
The Women's Representative and Gender Equality Commissioner is responsible for implementing the rights of all groups of women at RheinMain University of Applied Sciences pursuant to Art. 18, para., 1 HGIG.
This includes:
- Recruitment and appointment processes
- Supporting women’s career development
- Work-life balance
- Protection against sexual harassment and bullying
- Committee work at the university
- Information and advice
- Project work for promoting women, family and gender issues
- Cross-university advocacy (LaKoF, BuKoF)
Office of the Women's Representative and Gender Equality Commissioner
Counseling and help for pregnant students and early parents
Working Group Gender Equality
audit familyfriendly university
Plan for Advancement of Women 2006 - 2011
Award for the Promotion of Gender Equality
The officer for addiction intervention advises and supports employees of RheinMain University on issues related to addiction risk factors, alcohol abuse and other drugs.
The officer provides advice and assists in finding addiction treatment and counseling centers as well as support groups.
In cooperation with the working group on addiction, the appointee also provides information about safety hazards resulting from alcohol or other drug use at the workplace.
Hubert Rock
Telephone: +49 6142 898-4520
E-Mail: hubert.rock(at)
Disability services for employees
The representatives of the university's employees with disabilities are elected by staff and professors with a severe disability or a disability equal to a severe disability, as defined by German law, for a term of four years.
The representatives can be contacted for all disability-related issues of employees with severe disabilities, for example workplace adaptations or assistance with the completion of application or claims forms.
Andreas Koppe
Computer Scientist, University- und Federal State Libary
Location Rheinstrasse, Wiesbaden
Telephone: +49 611 9495-1881
E-Mail: andreas.koppe(at)
Location Kurt-Schumacher-Ring, Wiesbaden
Room number: 208 (Building C)
Telephone: +49 611 9495-1999
Deputy representatives
Jennifer Müller
Location Unter den Eichen, Wiesbaden
Telephone: +49 611 9495-1534
E-Mail: jennifer.mueller(at)
Eckhard Reis
Faculty of Engineering, Rüsselsheim
Telephone: +49 6142 898-4426
E-Mail: eckhard.reis(at)
Gaby Ringleb
Location Kurt-Schumacher-Ring, Wiesbaden
Room number: 208 (Building C)
Telephone: +49 611 9495-1997
E-Mail: gaby.ringleb(at)
Marco Naujoks
Diplome librarian, University- und Federal State Libary
Location Kurt-Schumacher-Ring, Wiesbaden
Telephone: +49 611 9495-1182
E-Mail: marco.naujoks(at)
Uwe Schindler
Faculty of Engineering, Rüsselsheim
Telephone: +49 6142 898-4219
E-Mail: uwe.schindler(at)
Tanja Buchert
Location Kurt-Schumacher-Ring, Wiesbaden
Telephone: +496119495-1304
E-Mail: tanja.buchert(at)
Disability services for (prospective) students
The RheinMain University of Applied Sciences strives to take the needs of disabled students and chronically ill persons into account. Its efforts are directed at enabling these students to gain a good degree by participating in "normal" university life.
Prospective students and students with disabilities with specific questions and who need general counseling can contact the disablity officers. Unfortunately there is currently no contact person available at Wiesbaden campuses. The contact person for the Rüsselsheim campus is Prof. Dr. Harald Klausmann harald.klausmann(at).
Contact persons for students and prospective students with disabilities from both study locations are also the study counselors of the Student Counseling Office.
Section "V.2 Evaluation und Hochschulstatistik" supports all stakeholders of the university in the collection, analysis and interpretation of data from the central student and graduate surveys. The section V.2 gives advice for suitable concepts for the purpose of internal evaluation and provides data for development processes just like program development, (re) accreditation, quality assurance of teaching and learning, university management.
E-Mail: evaluation(at)
Rainer Kämper
Section Head
Unter den Eichen 5, 65195 Wiesbaden, Building H, Third Floor, Room 321
Phone: +49 611 9495-1508
E-Mail: rainer.kaemper(at)
Christine Leyhe
Unter den Eichen 5, 65195 Wiesbaden, Building H, Third Floor, Room 322
Phone: +49 611 9495-2507
E-Mail: christine.leyhe(at)
Gabriele Sonndag
Unter den Eichen 5, 65195 Wiesbaden, Building H, Third Floor, Room 319
Telefon: +49 611 9495-1503
E-Mail: gabriele.sonndag(at)
Due to ever growing complexity in the areas of occupational safety, hazardous materials, disposal of hazardous waste and radiation protection, being able to quickly access the most up to date information is paramount.
RheinMain university employees can use the following Link to access internal documents and Intranet information.
Department III.6: Safety / Hazardous Materials
Commissioner for Occupational Safety
Dagmar Rößler
Telephone: +49 6142 898-4170
E-Mail: dagmar.roessler(at)
Hazardous Materials Officer
Almut Koulen
Telephone: +49 611 9495-1603
Fax: +49 611 9495-1600
E-Mail: almut.koulen(at)
Office hours: Mon; Tues: 08:30 - 13:00 and Wed; Thurs: 08:30 - 12:00
Special Waste Management Officer
Sascha Rehn
Telephone: +49 6142 898-4182
Fax: +49 6142 898-4173
E-Mail: sascha.rehn(at)
Office hours: Mon - Thurs: 09:00 - 12:00
Fire Protection Officer
Dagmar Rößler
Telephone: +49 6142 898-4170
E-Mail: dagmar.roessler(at)
External Service
Occupational Medicine
Dr. Claudia Dammeyer
Contact via: Dept. III.6
Occupational Safety
David Moore
Cell phone: 0176 10196237
The goal of occupational re-integration is to find out whether the root cause of illnesses from which university staff suffer longer than six weeks might be circumstances of their workplace arrangements and whether the employer can be of help to facilitate the employee's re-integration into a working environment.
Participation in a consultation is voluntary, and the consulting colleagues are bound to preserve confidentiality.
Franziska Hofmann
Admissions Office, Wiesbaden
Telephone:+49 611 9495-1588
E-Mail: franziska.hofmann(at)
Christian Hottum
Faculty of Engineering, Rüsselsheim
Telephone: +49 6142 898-4241
E-Mail: christian.hottum(at)
Andreas Koppe
Computer Scientist, University- und Federal State Libary
Location Rheinstrasse, Wiesbaden
Telephone:+49 611 9495-1881
E-Mail: andreas.koppe(at)
Alen Ramusovic
IT and Media Center, Wiesbaden
Telephone: +49 611 9495-1735
E-Mail: alen.ramusovic(at)
Gaby Ringleb
Location Kurt-Schumacher-Ring, Wiesbaden
Room number: 208 (Building C)
Telephone:+49 611 9495-1997
E-Mail: gaby.ringleb(at)