Research and development play an increasingly important role at the Faculty of Engineering and, as a result, also influence our teaching. Consequently, our range of courses is constantly being revised and adapted to new requirements, which means that our teaching content is always up to date.
Our research activities cover a wide range of areas: some of them have been ongoing for a while, others are new and are being developed as a result of changing requirements in industry and society. Our research is application-oriented, often conducted within larger research networks, cross-linked, interdisciplinary and spans various locations. Exploring life’s big questions is easier when you work as a team! For more information on our research topics, see the overview in the section “Focal Areas” - happy browsing!
The Faculty of Engineering is equipped with about 50 laboratories and since we are interested in cooperation with international researchers we aim to give more and more insight in our work.
Electrical Engineering and Information Technology
Laboratory for audio technology
Blockheizkraftwerk-Labor (Cogeneration-Lab)
Labor für Digitale Bildbearbeitung
Digitales Kino
Labor für Computer Aided Engineering
Labor für Elektrische Messtechnik
Labor für Elektroenergiesysteme
Elektromaschinen- und Antriebstechniklabor
Labor für Fernsehmesstechnik
Labor für Grundlagen der Nachrichten- und Fernsehtechnik
Labor für Hochfrequenztechnik und EMV
Labor für Hochspannungstechnik
Labor für Informationstechnik (IT)
Lehrstudio Medienproduktion
Labor für Leistungselektronik
Labor für Mikrocomputertechnik
Labor für Mobile AV-Anwendungen (M-Lab)
Netzwerklabor (N-Lab)
PC-Cluster / Multimedia Anwendungen
Mechanical Engineering
Labor für Fahrmechanik und Fahrzeugtechnik
Labor für Mess-und Sensortechnik
Labor für Werkstoff- und Bauteilprüfung
Labor für Spektroskopie und Elektronenmikroskopie
Labor für Technische Mechanik
Labor für Medizinische Messtechnik und Signalverarbeitung
Labor für Vakuumtechnik
Medical Device Technology Laboratory
Labor für Technische Akustik
Labor für Technische Optik
Labor für Kerntechnik
Labor für Mikrostrukturierung
Environmental Technologies and Services
Labor für Automatisierungstechnik
Laboratory for measurement data logging and networks
PC-Labor 1 + 2
Labor für Steuerungstechnik
Laboratory for environmental analysis
Our faculty members are involved in a wide range of networks; a selection is listed below:
Forschungscampus3 für Individualisierte Nachhaltige Mobiltät
Wasserstoff- und Brennstoffzellen Initiative Hessen
Mikrosystemtechnik-Netzwerk Rhein-Main
About 20 doctoral students are currently conducting research and teaching at our faculty; some are also pursuing their doctorates at external research institutes. At the moment, supervision is mainly provided in collaboration between our supervising colleagues and cooperating universities. However, the state of Hesse allows its Universities of Applied Sciences to apply for their own right to award doctorates if certain conditions are fulfilled. RheinMain University of Applied Sciences already has three doctoral research centers and a fourth one for engineering is under development.