Information for

HSRM offers over 70 degree programs at five faculties:

All degree programs

All the best for your studies

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HDS account activation
Student webmail
Compass Stud.IP (screencast under development)
ILIAS  (screencast under development)

Students require basic skills in mathematics in order to begin their studies at the university. The online courses provide a refresher of major contents from school and give an opportunity to reinforce these basic skills in tests and practice exercises.

Preparatory mathematics course for engineering (in German only)

The RheinMain University of Applied Sciences has five campuses in two cities: The campuses Unter den Eichen, Kurt-Schumacher-Ring, Bleich-/Bertramstraße, and the University and State Library (in Rheinstraße) are located in Wiesbaden, while the Rüsselsheim campus can be found in Rüsselsheim am Main.

All campuses are easily accessible, both by car and by public transport.

Addresses and campus maps

The four campuses in video

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AStA, or the student union, represents the interests and is the executive organ of the student body. Structurally, AStA is subdivided into departments which fulfill various roles for students. These include services relating to cultural matters and campus life, but also counseling services for international students, social services and student funding options including BAföG (the German governmental financial aid program).

AStA (in German only)

Students embarking on degree programs under the pilot program for people with vocational qualifications should contact Jörg Zender. This applies particularly to students wishing to revise mathematics from senior school level. 

Basic mathematics skills project (in German only)

The RheinMain University of Applied Sciences has a large number of partner universities in Europe and further afield.

Studying abroad is an excellent opportunity for students to grow professionally, academically and personally.

International Office

The RheinMain University of Applied Sciences is especially committed to balancing the needs of studies, work, and family and was certified as a “family-friendly university” for the fifth time in 2020. The university’s information portal “FamilienKompass” is a central port of call for family-related matters.

FamilienKompass (in German only)

Ideas, questions, praise, and criticism – students can get all of these off their chests by talking to the feedback management team at the RheinMain University of Applied Sciences. The team can be contacted in person, by phone, using an online form or by dropping a note in one of the physical feedback mailboxes in Wiesbaden and Rüsselsheim.

Feedback management

The University and State Library RheinMain offers information relating to study, careers, and leisure. Its offering encompasses over one million printed items, but also numerous electronic services such as e-books, e-journals, and specialist databases.

Libraries on the campuses of the RheinMain University of Applied Sciences are closed until further notice. Online items can of course still be borrowed. Students can find details on how to return borrowed books and other items on the website of the University and State Library (in German).

University and State Library

The student faith communities of the Catholic and Protestant churches for students at the RheinMain University of Applied Sciences offer numerous options for meeting other students, getting involved in activities, and for students to discover their own beliefs. Due to the current coronavirus situation, please pay attention to information from the faith communities.

Catholic and Protestant student faith communities

The i-Punkt at the Kurt-Schumacher-Ring campus is the first port of call for questions relating to studying at the RheinMain University of Applied Sciences. Students can receive information at the i-Punkt without long waiting times, or make an appointment with the Student Counseling Office.

During the opening times, application documents, requests for certified certificates, and other documents can be handed in for the Admission Office.

University counseling services

The IT and Media Center (ITMZ) is responsible for all centralized IT services at the RheinMain University of Applied Sciences. Students can find numerous IT options there, as well as assistance with issues and problems arising from services provided by the ITMZ.

IT and Media Center (in German only)


Wiesbaden is the state capital of the federal state of Hesse and has around 280,000 residents. While it’s true that Wiesbaden lives up to its image as an old spa town – thanks to its hot springs, the spa gardens known as the Kurpark, and its well-preserved architecture – the city has much to offer for students as well.

Many concerts, flea markets, and other events are held on the event grounds around the renowned Schlachthof cultural center. If you wish to get active, the many forest areas around Wiesbaden are easily accessible. In total, there are around 15,000 students studying at three universities in Wiesbaden.

Many shared student apartments are located in the ‘Westend’ neighborhood. From there, it is not far to the Wiesbaden campus of the RheinMain University of Applied Sciences, which houses the Architecture and Civil Engineering, Design Computer Science Media, and Applied Social Sciences faculties, and the Wiesbaden Business School.

State capital of Wiesbaden


Rüsselsheim has 60,000 residents and is located in the center of the Rhine-Main area. Mainz, Wiesbaden, Darmstadt, and Frankfurt are 15 to 20 minutes away by car. The more than 120 different nationalities living in Rüsselsheim make the city a multicultural meeting point.

Many residents are employed by the automobile manufacturer Adam Opel AG. Many students from the Faculty of Engineering, which is situated on the Rüsselsheim campus, also complete internships at Opel or begin their careers there.

Rüsselsheim am Main

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The mathematics media library provides you with an opportunity to refresh or expand your mathematics knowledge, or simply to practice some equations. In addition to learning videos and thematic summaries, the service offers various exercises, including solutions.

Mathematics Media Library (in German only)

Whether breakfast, lunch, or a little snack on the go – the cafeterias in Wiesbaden and Rüsselsheim offer fresh items at student-friendly prices.


Student questions concerning the organization of examinations (how to register, withdrawal from participation, doctor's certificates, proof of class attendance etc.) can be answered by your department/faculty, or by the secretariat of your degree program..

Faculty of Architecture and Civil Engineering
Faculty of Design Computer Science Media
Faculty of Engineering
Faculty of Applied Social Sciences
Wiesbaden Business School

If you are a student and have questions about the approval of transfer credits for graded course components (referred to in German as ‘Prüfungsleistungen’, or PL) from other degree programs, please contact the student counseling team or Examination Board for your degree program. You can find more detailed information at Approval of transfer credits for graded course components.

Computer Science, Communication Design, and Mechanical Engineering students work together on the Scuderia Mensa project, the student racing team of the RheinMain University of Applied Sciences. The team designs and builds a race car each year and uses this to take part in international competitions held under the ‘Formula Student’ banner.

Scuderia Mensa (in German only)

In addition to the German governmental financial aid program BAföG and other options for funding their studies, students may also qualify for scholarships. Scholarships are awarded to students who undertake political or other voluntary work or who achieve particularly good grades in their studies.

Scholarships (in German only)

Potential living, university, and housing costs play a major role when choosing a degree.

For students at the RheinMain University of Applied Sciences, housing is available in both cities. You can find more information on this page.

Additionally, students can find here all the details on funding their studies via BAföG (the German governmental financial aid program), part-time work, scholarships, student loans, and other degree financing options.

Housing in Wiesbaden (in German only)

Housing in Rüsselsheim (in German only)

Funding your studies (in German only)