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Thank you for your interest in our university – feel free to browse through our pages and see what we have to offer.
In Rüsselsheim, the way to the university is signposted to make our campus easy to find.

Rüsselsheim is home to automotive engineering and the industry has long had strong links to science. The proximity to Frankfurt Airport means that Rüsselsheim also has close ties to the field of aeronautical engineering, and the high concentration of industry in the Rhine-Main region is reflected in the diversity of our cooperation projects. A large number of Max Planck and Fraunhofer Gesellschaft research institutes are also located in the surrounding area, as well as other institutes, providing further stimulus for the faculty’s research activities. A large number of cooperation partners are linked to the Faculty of Engineering, and thanks to the final theses and internships carried out in the industry as well as joint research activities, this network keeps its finger on the pulse of all the latest developments.
The university campus in Rüsselsheim is located about 20 minutes away from Frankfurt Airport and is surrounded by charming places to visit:
Rüsselsheim itself is small and compact; it is home to Opel's old and new production facilities, plus a fortress located directly on the river Main, the Opel villas, and a small, multicultural city center.
The cities of Frankfurt and Mainz are about 25 km away and offer a more bustling city lifestyle (but with higher rents). The Rhine with its many castles, the UNESCO World Heritage Sites of Saalburg and the Middle Rhine are close by, as are the tourist highlights of Rüdesheim, Koblenz with its Ehrenbreitstein fortress and Stolzenfels castle, not to forget Heidelberg in the south, Darmstadt in the east, the little jewel of Kronberg in the north, the Odenwald and the Taunus, and the vineyards on the Rhine, Main and adjoining rivers.
The Faculty of Engineering offers a wide range of technical degree programs: Applied Physics, Medical Engineering, Environmental Engineering, Applied Mathematics, Electrical Engineering, Media Engineering, Electrical and Aeronautical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering with a specialization in Automotive Engineering or Virtual Product and Process Development, Industrial Engineering and International Management. More details on the degree programs and the admission requirements can be found in the tab “Degree Programs”.
We currently have around 3,500 students at our faculty. Engineering students from Rüsselsheim thus make up a large proportion of the student body at RheinMain University of Applied Sciences. About half of our students come from the surrounding area of the university, while the other half come from further afield – some from other parts of Germany and some from abroad. Nearly 80 professors teach at the faculty, along with a large number of external lecturers from industry as well as about 80 laboratory engineers and other members of staff.
The Faculty of Engineering has made a name for itself in Germany as a center of excellence for part-time and cooperative university education. It offers a wide range of degree programs in various organizational forms: Besides the many full-time degree programs, there are a growing number of cooperative and part-time degree programs. The “Centrum für Berufsintegriertes Studieren” (CeBiS), (Center for part-time studies) for example, is also based at the Rüsselsheim campus, and has over 20 years of experience with part-time studies and further education.
In order to meet the demands of the diverse lifestyles of our students, we are currently planning a “multi-paced course of studies”; after all, there are many reasons why it is not always possible to study at full speed: Competitive sports, illness, caring for children or elderly relatives, volunteer work, working part-time to finance one's studies, etc. We support a colorful mix of life concepts and want to offer our students in a wide range of circumstances as many opportunities as possible to pursue the highest quality education.
Laboratories and Workshops
Studienbereich Angewandte Physik und Medizintechnik
Labor für Analog- und Digitalelektronik
Labor für Kernphysikalische und Nuklearmedizinische Messtechnik
Labor für Medizinische Bildgebung und Diagnostik
medical device technology laboratory
Labor für Medizinische Messtechnik und Signalverarbeitung
Mehrzwecklabor Spektroskopie und Elektronenmikroskopie
Labor für Mikrostrukturierung
Labor für Technische Akustik
Labor für Technische Mechanik, Gerätekonstruktion, Werkstofftechnik
Labor für Technische Optik
Labor für Vakuumtechnik
Labor für Wasserstofftechnologie und Energiespeicher
Physik Praktikum
Studienbereich Informationstechnologie und Elektrotechnik
Blockheizkraftwerk-Labor (Cogeneration-Lab)
Labor für Digitale Bildbearbeitung
Digitales Kino
Labor für Computer Aided Engineering
Labor für Elektrische Messtechnik
Labor für Elektroenergiesysteme
Elektromaschinen- und Antriebstechniklabor
Labor für Fernsehmesstechnik
Flugzeug und Flugsimulator
Labor für Grundlagen der Nachrichten- und Fernsehtechnik
Labor für Hochfrequenztechnik und EMV
Labor für Informationstechnik (IT)
Lehrstudio Medienproduktion
Labor für Leistungselektronik
Labor für Mikrocomputertechnik
Labor für Mobile AV-Anwendungen (M-Lab)
Netzwerklabor (N-Lab)
Laboratory for digital image processing
MAC-Cluster / Multimedia-Anwendungen
PC-Cluster Elektrotechnik
Studienbereich Maschinenbau
Labor für Energiewandlung und thermische Antriebsmaschinen (ETA)
Labor für Fahrmechanik und Fahrzeugtechnik
Labor für Mess-und Sensortechnik
Labor für Werkstoff- und Bauteilprüfung
Studienbereich Umwelttechnik, Mathematik und ingenieurtechnische Grundlagen
Labor für Automatisierungstechnik
Chemielabor und Labor für Physikalische Chemie
laboratory for measurement data logging and networks
PC-Labor 1 + 2
Labor für Steuerungstechnik
laboratory for environmental analysis
laboratory for environmental information systems
Hochschule RheinMain / RheinMain University of Applied Sciences
Fachbereich Ingenieurwissenschaften / Faculty of Engineering
Visiting address:
Am Brückweg 26
65428 Rüsselsheim
Postal address:
Postfach 3251
65022 Wiesbaden
Telephone: +49 6142 898-0
Fax: +49 6142 898-4651
Email: dekanat-ing(at) hs-rm.de
The Faculty of Engineering is located at two sites: most of the degree programs are taught in Rüsselsheim, but the degree program Media Engineering is also located on the media campus in the state capital Wiesbaden in immediate proximity to the media center there.
For information regarding public transport, please refer to
Information about our call-a-bike stations on campus