Prof. Dr. iur. Eva Waller has headed the RheinMain University of Applied Sciences since 1 January 2021. Before taking up the role, she had been employed since 2005 by the Bochum University of Applied Sciences as a Professor of Business Law in the Faculty of Business. In Bochum, she became the coordinator of the German-Spanish Bachelor of Business Administration degree program in 2006. From 2008 to 2010, she served as an Associate Dean, before becoming a Dean. In 2016, she became the Vice-President for Academic and International Affairs.
Eva Waller was born in Krefeld, near Düsseldorf, and studied law at the universities of Bayreuth and Göttingen after her high school graduation. In the period between her two state examinations in law, she completed the Joint European Master of Public Administration Program run by the universities of Speyer, Leiden and Rotterdam. While working as an academic assistant in the Department of Public Law and Public Economic Law at the Chemnitz University of Technology, Eva Waller obtained her doctorate under Prof. Dr. Ludwig Gramlich, on the topic of international law for regulated procurement. Subsequently, she was the head of the “Management Support, Human Resources and Law” unit at RKW Sachsen GmbH in Dresden, until 2005.
Contact President's Council Office and Committee Coordination:
Email: praesidiumssekretariat(at)
Telephone: +49 611 9495-1101
Visiting address: Unter den Eichen 5, 65195 Wiesbaden, Building F-I 1st Fl., Room 69
Postal address: Postfach 3251, 65022 Wiesbaden
Advisor to the President
Email: referentin-praesidentin(at)
Telephone: +49 611 9495-1614
Visiting Address: Unter den Eichen 5, 65195 Wiesbaden, Building F-I 1st Fl., Room 70
President's Unit for University Policies and Strategic Development
Email: Sabine.Faehndrich(at)
Telephone: +49 611 9495-1135
Visiting Address: Unter den Eichen 5, 65195 Wiesbaden, Building F-I 1st Fl., Room 75
Prof. Dr. Andreas Brensing has been Professor of Engineering Physics and Medical Engineering at Hochschule RheinMain since 2008. In addition to his research and teaching activities, he was chair of the quality assurance committee for system accreditation and deputy member of the senate.
Before this, he served as Dean for Academic Affairs in the Faculty of Engineering and Degree Program Head of Interdisciplinary Engineering. The graduate engineer studied electrical engineering at RWTH Aachen University and completed his doctorate at the Hamburg University of Technology in Harburg on the subject "Microwave methods for magnetotransport measurements in semiconductor heterostructures". Outside of academia, he worked in roles that included being the founder and managing director of Cardiosignal GmbH, a medical technology company in Hamburg.
Since March 1, 2022, Professor Brensing has been Vice-President for Research, Transfer, and Sustainability. In his second term, he will focus on research, entrepreneurship and science communication.
Email: vizepraesident(at)
Telephone: +49 611 9495-1122
Visiting address: Unter den Eichen 5, 65195 Wiesbaden, Building F-I 1st Fl., Room 71
Postal address: Postfach 3251, 65022 Wiesbaden
Advisor to the Vice-President
Management of the subproject "sustainability strategy"
Email: Referentin-VPForschung(at)
Telephone: +49 611 9495-2448
Visiting address: Unter den Eichen 5, 65195 Wiesbaden, Building F-I 1st Fl. , Room 75
Prof. Dr. Christian Schachtner has been a Professor for Business Informatics with a focus on Digitalization in the Public Sector since July 2023, in the Faculty of Design Computer Science Media. Prof. Dr. Schlachtner was appointed to his first professorship in 2020 at the IU International University of Applied Sciences, where he became a Professor for Public Management and also held roles as a course director and as a module manager for Sustainability Management.
Since March 1, 2025, he has been Vice-President for Academic Affairs and Sustainability at the Hochschule RheinMain.
In his role as Vice-President for Academic Affairs and Sustainability, Prof. Dr. Schlachtner is committed to maintaining and enhancing academic conditions and to advancing teaching methods. He also supports the sustainability objectives of the Hochschule RheinMain under the sustainability strategy that was adopted in 2024, assisting the Sustainability Office to ensure sustainability is an integral component across all areas of the university.
Originally from Bavaria, Prof. Dr. Schlachtner has an academic background in law and economics and completed an interdisciplinary doctorate on the transformation of competencies in the public sector under Prof. Dr. Max Ringlstetter at the Chair of Economics, specializing in Human Resources and Organization, in cooperation with Prof. Dr. Ulrich Bartosch (professorship for pedagogy). Prof. Dr. Schlachtner also completed degrees in public administration at the University for the Public Service in Hof, in public law at the Friedrich-Alexander University Erlangen-Nuremberg, and in European administrative management at the Berlin School of Economics and Law. He also completed a postgraduate adult education program at the Catholic University of Eichstätt-Ingolstadt.
Most recently, he was Chief Digital Officer at the City of Kempten. He has also held professional roles at the City of Bamberg, where he was Head of Process Management and Agility and Team Leader Digital Transformation, at the District Office of Fürth, where he was Head of Project Management, Cross-Sectional Tasks and Central Services and as a departmental head at the Office for Academic Affairs at the Technical University of Ingolstadt.
Prof. Dr. Christian Schachtner
Email: vpb(at)
Telephone: +49 611 9495-1101
Visiting address: Unter den Eichen 5, 65195 Wiesbaden, Building F-I 1st Fl., Room 74
Postal address: Postfach 3251, 65022 Wiesbaden
Advisor to the Vice-President
Dr. Nora Wagner
Email: referentin-vpb(at)
Telephone: +49 611 9495-2411
Visiting address: Unter den Eichen 5, 65195 Wiesbaden, Building F-I 1st Fl., Room 72
Dr. Tina Klug was appointed Vice-President for Finance and Administration of RheinMain University of Applied Sciences in April 2024. Dr. Tina Klug holds a degree in economics and a doctorate in sociology and most recently worked as head of the division AI and Responsible Digitality in Business, Research and Society at the Hessian State Chancellery and the Ministry for Digitalization and Innovation. Prior to this, she held positions as head of division of Quality Management and Committees and deputy head of department at the Technical University of Darmstadt. Dr. Klug also worked at the Institute for Employment Research in Nuremberg (IAB) as personal advisor to the scientific director and project coordinator and in international non-profit management.
As Vice-President for Finance and Administration of RheinMain University of Applied Sciences, Dr. Klug heads the university administration in accordance with the guidelines of the President’s Council and is in charge of budget and financial planning. She is responsible for departments dealing with budgets, human resources, IT, construction and facility management, as well as legal services. During her six-year term of office, her goals include advancing the digital transformation of the university, further developing sustainability and increasing the diversity at the university and positioning RheinMain University of Applied Sciences as an attractive employer.
Dr. Tina Klug
Email: kanzlerin(at)
Telephone: +49 611 9495-1102
Visiting address: Unter den Eichen 5, 65195 Wiesbaden, Building F-I 1st Fl., Room 73
Postal address: Postfach 3251, 65022 Wiesbaden
Advisor to the Vice-President
Thalia Moore
Email: thalia.moore(at)
Telephone: +49 611 9495-1107