
In the summer of 2014, the CAD laboratory, the CIM center and the PC lab IWI were merged as part of the renovation measures of the Rüsselsheimer Campus.
Since the winter semester of 2014/15, five PC pools with a total of around 120 workstation workstations are available in the renovated building B on Campus "Am Brückweg".

Educational events of more than 8 different courses of study are held here.

From here, the servers of the department of mechanical engineering are managed. In addition, the consultancy and support of the other laboratories and offices of the field of study in the field of IT-related technical questions has been successful.

Basic equipment for working with MS Office, Siemens NX, MSC Adams, Ansys, NX Nastran, Witness, Siemens Plant Simulation, SAP, MatLab, Siemens Teamcenter, Ansys, TruTops, SAP, Quindos, MSC Adams, Factory CAD, SolidWorks,etc.


Overview of the Softwareequipment in detail (pdf - 42 kB)

The PC pools can be found in Stud.IP.