International Career Service Rhein-Main
University President Prof. Dr. Eva Waller welcomes kickoff attendants © Hochschulkommunikation | Hochschule RheinMain
Lisa Rodenbusch (left) and Mariam Nazemi from the Competence & Career Center at HSRM © Hochschulkommunikation | Hochschule RheinMain
International students are an attractive group of professionals for the Hessian and German labor market of tomorrow. In September, the Hessian Ministry of Higher Education, Research and the Arts (HMWK) approved university projects that support international students in their transition from university to working world as part of its “Harnessing international potential – shaping transitions from university to the working world” program with funding from the European Social Fund Plus (ESF+).
Under the leadership of Goethe University Frankfurt, Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences, Darmstadt University of Applied Sciences, Darmstadt University of Technology and RheinMain University of Applied Sciences (HSRM) have joined forces to establish the “International Career Service in the Rhine-Main Region” (ICS RM). The aim is to provide international students with innovative and diverse opportunities and thus equal access to the German and Hessian labor markets. The key is extensive networking with employers in the region.
During the five-year project period, international students can take part in alternating elective modules across all universities, which allows them to get to know the diversity of the German labor market during their studies. International students should improve their ability to manage their careers, taking into account their individual values and abilities. The HMWK will receive EUR 8.5 million from ESF+ funds for the “Harnessing international potential – shaping transitions from universities to the working world” program in the 2021 to 2027 funding period. The projects are financed jointly by the EU and the state of Hesse.
“Social Entrepreneurship – especially females” and “Corporate Culture” modules
Representatives from various organizations – including from the city of Wiesbaden and the Wiesbaden Employment Agency – met at the Kurt-Schumacher-Ring Campus to kick off the sub-project of the RheinMain University of Applied Sciences (HSRM) and present the HSRM modules as part of the “International Career Services Rhein-Main”.
“Our task is to promote stronger ties between immigrant graduates and the region,” says Prof. Dr. Eva Waller, President of RheinMain University of Applied Sciences. “We have the valuable support of industry, social economy and public administration representatives, who have agreed to make their contribution to improving the transition,” continued President Waller.
Katja Streck, the managing director of the association BerufsWege für Frauen e. V. in Wiesbaden promoting women’s careers, presented the “Social Entrepreneurship – especially females” module; the association offers an elective module on innovative, social and sustainable entrepreneurship specifically for women at HSRM. In the “Corporate Culture” module, Prof. Dr. Dr. Alexander Moutchnik from the Faculty of Design Computer Science Media organizes lectures and excursions to diverse companies in the region to build lasting networks. Subsequently, Daryna Blyshuk, a student enrolled in Media Management and a native of Ukraine, spoke about her positive experiences with the module.