Prof. Dr.-Ing. Fabian Wenner
Postal Address:
Postfach 3251
65022 Wiesbaden
Kurt-Schumacher-Ring 18
65197 Wiesbaden
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Curriculum Vitae
- Since 2024 Professor for sustainable urban development and alternative mobility concepts at RheinMain University of Applied Sciences
- 2021 PhD Dissertation on Interrelations between Transport Infrastructure and Urban Development. The Case of High-Speed Rail Stations.
- 2014-2024 Research and Teaching Associate at the Chair of Urban Development, Technical University of Munich
- 2013-2014 M.Sc. Regional and Urban Planning Studies, London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE).
- 2012-2013 Employee at Albert Speer & Partner, Frankfurt
- 2008-2012 B.Sc Sptial Planning, TU Dortmund University and University College London
Thematic focus
- Integrated urban and transport planning, esp. public and non-motorised modes
- Urban development and regional planning
- Land policy
- Utilizing new digital data sources for spatial research
Current research projects
- 2023-2025: Biodiversity Net Gain as a Developer Obligation (with Dr. Sina Shahab, Cardiff University)
Completed research projects
- 2022-2024: BMBF MCube: BeneVit – Innovative Assessment Methods for Sustainable Transport Infrastructure Investments
- 2020-2023: DFG: Brain Train? High-speed railway stations as focal points of the knowledge economy
- 2022: BayFrance: Exploring the airport-city: airports’ diversification strategies, knowledge economy and the regeneration of business sites in a metropolitan context
- 2020: EIT Urban Mobility: Mapping Urban Transportation Innovation Ecosystems
- 2017-2021: DFG: Knowledge-intensive firms, connectivity and spatial restructuring: dynamics and differences in Germany and Switzerland
- 2015-2017: Preparation of a structure and potential analysis for the Fürstenfeldbruck district
- 2016: Perspectives for public transport in the Munich district
- 2016: Report for the municipalities of the “NordAllianz”: Classification of the municipalities in the central place system
- 2014-2016: WAM – Residence, Work, Mobility: Dynamics of change and future options for the Munich metropolitan region
2015-2021: dissertation project Interrelations between Transport Infrastructure and Urban Development. The Case of High-Speed Rail Stations.
Author identifiers
- ORCID ID: 0000-0002-2356-8120
- Web of Science ResearcherID: AAE-7087-2021
- Researchgate: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Fabian_Wenner
Peer-reviewed journal articles
- Horlemann, Jonas; Mathias Heidinger; Fabian Wenner; Alain Thierstein (2024): Introducing a Novel Framework for the Analysis and Assessment of Transport Projects in City Regions. Sustainability 16 (6), 2349. doi: 10.3390/su16062349
- Hengstermann, Andreas; Fabian Wenner; Mathias Jehling; Thomas Hartmann (2023): Innovative Land Policies in Europe. In: Raumforschung und Raumordnung 81 (6), 575–578. doi: 10.14512/rur.2246
- Moser, Johannes, Fabian Wenner; Alain L'Hostis (2023): Visualising Transformations of Geographical Time–Space by Transport Systems. The Case of Germany, 1990–2020. In: KN - Journal of Cartography and Geographic Information. 73, 301–315. doi: 10.1007/s42489-023-00151-9
- Heidinger, Mathias, Fabian Wenner; Sebastian Sager; Paul Sussmann; Alain Thierstein (2023): Where do knowledge-intensive firms locate in Germany?—An explanatory framework using exponential random graph modeling. In: Review of Regional Research, 43 (1), 101–124, doi: 10.1007/s10037-023-00183-8
- Wenner, Fabian; Alain Thierstein (2022): High Speed Rail as Urban Generator? An Analysis of Land Use Change around Stations. In: European Planning Studies, 30 (2), 227–250. doi: 10.1080/09654313.2021.1946485
- Moser, Johannes; Fabian Wenner; Alain Thierstein (2022): Working From Home and Covid-19: Where Could Residents Move to? Urban Planning 7(3). doi: 10.17645/up.v7i3.5306
- Wenner, Fabian; Johannes Moser; Alain Thierstein (2021): Mehr Arbeiten von zu Hause nach Corona. RaumPlanung 6/2021 (214), 23–28
- Wenner, Fabian; Alain Thierstein (2021): Rail Accessibility in Germany: Changing Regional Disparities between 1990 and 2020. In: Raumforschung und Raumordnung 79 (2), 95–115. doi: 10.14512/rur.63
- Reinhardt, Valentin; Fabian Wenner; Alain Thierstein (2021): Integrating urban planning in air traffic procedure planning using modern satellite navigation specifications. In: Urban Development Issues, 68 (2), 53–62. doi: 10.51733/udi.2020.68.16
- Wenner, Fabian; Khoi Anh Dang; Melina Hölzl; Alessandro Pedrazzoli; Magdalena Schmidkunz; Jiaqi Wang; Alain Thierstein (2020): Regional Urbanisation through Accessibility?—The “Zweite Stammstrecke” Express Rail Project in Munich. In: Urban Science 4 (2), 1–24. doi: 10.3390/urbansci4010002
- Wenner, Fabian; Alain Thierstein (2020): Which Regions Benefit from New Rail Accessibility? Germany in 2030. In: disP - The Planning Review 56 (3), 59–76. doi: 10.1080/02513625.2020.1851910
- Wenner, Fabian; Freke Caset; Bart De Wit (2019): Conference Locations and Sustainability Aspirations: Towards an Integrative Framework? In: disP - The Planning Review 55 (1), 34–51. doi: 10.1080/02513625.2019.1598106
- Gilliard, Lukas; Fabian Wenner; Gal Biran Belahuski; Elisabeth Nagl; Anna Rodewald; Fabian Schmid; Maximilian Stechele; Michael Zettl; Michael Bentlage; Alain Thierstein (2018): Using Boundary Objects to Make Students Brokers Across Disciplines. A Dialogue Between Students and Their Lecturers on Bertolini's Node-Place-Model and Interdisciplinarity. In: Transactions of AESOP 2 (1), 81–90. doi: 10.24306/TrAESOP.2018.01.006
- Wenner, Fabian (2018): Sustainable urban development and land value taxation: The case of Estonia. In: Land Use Policy 77, 790–800. doi: 10.1016/j.landusepol.2016.08.031
- Gilliard, Lukas; Fabian Wenner; Christian Lamker; Karel Van den Berghe; Jannes J. Willems (2017): Potentials of Entrepreneurial Thinking for Planning. In: disP - The Planning Review 53 (3), 94–100. doi: 10.1080/02513625.2017.1380439
Other journal articles
- Wenner, Fabian (2025): Potenziale der Innenentwicklung in München. In: Standpunkte 01/02/03. Online-Magazin des Münchner Forums. Online verfügbar unter https://muenchner-forum.de/stadt-und-dichte-standpunkte-01-02-03-2025/
- Horlemann, Jonas; Gebhard Wulfhorst, Mathias Heidinger, Fabian Wenner, Alain Thierstein (2024): Wie können Mobilitätsziele in Kommunen und Regionen erreicht werden? In: KommP Kommunalpraxis Bayern 46 (10), 338-343.
- Kinigadner, Julia; Fabian Wenner; Michael Bentlage; Stefan Klug; Gebhard Wulfhorst; Alain Thierstein (2016): Future perspectives for the Munich Metropolitan Region – an integrated mobility approach. In: Transportation Research Procedia 19, 94–108. doi: 10.1016/j.trpro.2016.12.071
- Wenner, Fabian (2014): Quartiersentwicklung selbstgemacht? Neighbourhood Planning in England. In: RaumPlanung 3-4/2014, 107–113
Book chapters
- Hartmann, Thomas; Andreas Hengstermann; Mathias Jehling; Arthur Schindelegger; Fabian Wenner (2025): Introducing Land Policies in Europe. In: Thomas Hartmann; Andreas Hengstermann; Mathias Jehling; Arthur Schindelegger; Fabian Wenner (eds.): Land Policies in Europe. Land-use Planning, Property Rights, and Spatial Development. Cham: Springer, 3-15.
- Hartmann, Thomas, Fabian Wenner (2025): Land Policy in Germany: Waiting for the Owner to Develop. In: Thomas Hartmann; Andreas Hengstermann; Mathias Jehling; Arthur Schindelegger; Fabian Wenner (eds.): Land Policies in Europe. Land-use Planning, Property Rights, and Spatial Development. Cham: Springer, 121-136.
- Hartmann, Thomas; Andreas Hengstermann; Mathias Jehling; Arthur Schindelegger; Fabian Wenner (2025): Conclusions on Land Policies in Europe. In: Thomas Hartmann; Andreas Hengstermann; Mathias Jehling; Arthur Schindelegger; Fabian Wenner (eds.): Land Policies in Europe. Land-use Planning, Property Rights, and Spatial Development. Cham: Springer, 241-253.
- Wenner, Fabian (2024): Potenziale der Innenentwicklung in München. In: Wenner, Fabian; Alain Thierstein (eds.): Potenziale der Innenentwicklung in München. Abschlussbericht. München, 6–18.
- Bentlage, Michael; Fabian Wenner (2023): Das Netzwerk zentraler Orte in der Metropolenregion München. In: Philipp Oswalt; Stefan Rettich (eds.). Zentralitäten 4.0 - Mittelzentren im Zeitalter der Digitalisierung. Berlin: Jovis, 181–199.
- Gilliard, Lukas; Fabian Wenner; Alain Thierstein; Nadia Alaily-Mattar (2020): The Transformative Capacity of Regional Design. In: Valeria Lingua; Verena Balz (eds.): Shaping Regional Futures: Designing and Visioning in Governance Rescaling. Basel: Springer, 43–58. doi: 10.1007/978-3-030-23573-4_4
- Wenner, Fabian (2020): Eurostar-Architecture: Comparing High-Speed Rail Stations in Europe. In: Nadia Alaily-Mattar; Davide Ponzini; Alain Thierstein (eds.): About Star Architecture: Reflecting on Cities in Europe. Basel: Springer, 227-244. doi: 10.1007/978-3-030-23925-1_14
- Alaily-Mattar, Nadia; Johannes Dreher; Fabian Wenner; Alain Thierstein (2018): Public real estate development projects and urban transformation: the case of flagship projects. In: Erwin Heurkens; Richard Peiser; Graham Squires (eds.): Companion to Real Estate Development. Abingdon, New York: Routledge, 43–55. doi: 10.1201/9781315690889-4
- Wenner, Fabian; Fabian Thiel (2018): Land taxation in Estonia: An efficient instrument of land policy for land scarcity, equity, and ecology. In: Jean-David Gerber; Thomas Hartmann; Andreas Hengstermann (eds.): Instruments of Land Policy. Dealing with Scarcity of Land. Serie: Urban Planning and Environment, Donald Miller; Nicole Gurran (eds.). Abingdon, New York: Routledge, 78–88. doi: 10.4324/9781315511658-10
- Thierstein, Alain; Irina Auernhammer; Fabian Wenner (2017): Munich - The struggle to combine competitiveness and social inclusion. In: Roberta Cucca; Constanzo Ranci (eds.): Unequal Cities - The challenge of post-industrial transition in times of austerity. Abingdon, New York: Routledge, 209–226. doi: 10.4324/9781315687865-21
Research reports
- Die Reaktivierung von Schienenstrecken als Strategie der integrierten Raumentwicklung – Chancen nutzen und Hemmnisse überwinden. Positionspapier aus der ARL 146. doi: 10.60683/0vbn-qm65
- Blum, Salem; Pascal Süess; Nicolaas de Vries; Alain Thierstein; Gebhard Wulfhorst; Michael Bentlage; Stefan Klug; Fabian Wenner; Chenyi Ji; Agnes Förster; Stephanie Fabich (2017): Perspektiven im öffentlichen Personennahverkehr im Landkreis München. Schlussbericht. Zürich.
- Garkisch, Andreas; Marc Hofmann; Cristina Catoiu; Konstanze Seufert; Doris Zoller; Franz Damm; Diana Huss; Fabienne Perret; Benjamin Stadler; Alain Thierstein; Michael Bentlage; Fabian Wenner (2017): RES - Räumliche Entwicklungsstrategie Landkreis Fürstenfeldbruck. Schlussbericht zum Prozess der Struktur- und Potenzialanalyse 2017. München.
- Thierstein, Alain; Gebhard Wulfhorst; Michael Bentlage; Stefan Klug; Lukas Gilliard; Chenyi Ji; Julia Kinigadner; Helene Steiner; Lena Sterzer; Fabian Wenner; Juanjuan Zhao (2016): WAM Wohnen Arbeiten Mobilität. Veränderungsdynamiken und Entwicklungsoptionen für die Metropolregion München. München: Lehrstuhl für Raumentwicklung und Fachgebiet für Siedlungsstruktur und Verkehrsplanung der Technischen Universität München.
- Greiwe, Ulla; Volker Kreuzer; Thomas Terfrüchte; Michaela Weller; Fabian Wenner (2010): AbsolventInnenbefragung 2009. Zur beruflichen Lage der AbsolventInnen der Abschlussjahrgänge 2004 bis 2008 der Fakultät Raumplanung der TU Dortmund. Dortmund.
- Hartmann, Thomas; Andreas Hengstermann; Mathias Jehling; Arthur Schindelegger; Fabian Wenner (2025): Land Policies in Europe. Land-use Planning, Property Rights, and Spatial Development. ISBN: 978-3-031-83724-1. Cham: Springer.
- Wenner, Fabian; Alain Thierstein (2024) (Hrsg.): Potenziale der Innenentwicklung in München. Abschlussbericht. München. Verfügbar online: https://mediatum.ub.tum.de/node?id=1737396
- Wenner, Fabian (2021): Interrelations between Transport Infrastructure and Urban Development. Dissertation. Technische Universität München. Verfügbar online: http://mediatum.ub.tum.de/?id=1591346
- Co-author of a wide range of Wikipedia articles on planning
- Wenner, Fabian (2023): Missed connections: Opportunities for integrated urban and transport planning with comprehensive clock-face schedules. AESOP Annual Conference, 13.07.2023, Lodz, Polen.
- Wenner, Fabian (2023): The accessibility paradigm in planning: Implementation, Indicators, and Improvements. RSA Conference, 17.06.2023, Ljubljana, Slowenien.
- Wenner, Fabian (2023): Aktuelle raumstrukturelle Chancen und Herausforderungen im Raum Freising und der Metropolregion München. IBA Walk, 17.05.2023, Freising.
- Wenner, Fabian (2023): High Speed Rail as Urban Generator? 11th World Congress of High-Speed Rail, 08.03.2023, Marrakesch, Marokko.
- Wenner, Fabian (2023): Land Value Taxation - Land Policy Tool for Sustainable Urban Development? Land Policy Series, The Housing Agency Ireland, 24.01.2023, online.
- Wenner, Fabian, Johannes Moser und Alain L'Hostis (2021): Visualising Transformations of Geographical Time-Space by Transport Infrastructure Systems. The case of Germany, 1990-2030. European Colloquium on Theoretical and Quantitative Geography, 04.11.2021, online.
- Wenner, Fabian (2021): High Speed Rail as Urban Generator? An Analysis of Land Use Change around European Stations. RSA Regions in Recovery Conference, 07.06.2021, online.
- Wenner, Fabian (2019): Accessibility Effects of the Second S-Bahn Trunk Line (Munich). Mobility@TUM, 18.11.2019, München.
- Wenner, Fabian (2019): Wissensökonomie, Konnektivität und räumliche Restrukturierung: Dynamiken und Unterschiede in Deutschland und der Schweiz. Arbeitskreissitzung der DFG Fachgruppe „410-02 Städtebau/Stadtentwicklung, Raumplanung, Verkehrs- und Infrastrukturplanung, Landschaftsplanung“, 25.09.2019, Kiel.
- Wenner, Fabian (2018): Application of a new method to identify knowledge-intensive firm clusters in spatial strategy consulting. European Regional Science Association (ERSA) Conference, 31.08.2018, Cork.
- Wenner, Fabian und Alain Thierstein (2016): The use of space as decision-making process. Valuation of mobility, residential, and workplace choices in the Munich Metropolitan Region. IV World Planning Schools Congress, 03.-08.07.2016, Rio de Janerio.
- Wenner, Fabian (2015): The Land Value Tax in Estonia: Equitable land policy through taxation. LandAC conference, 08.07.2015, Utrecht
- Süddeutsche Zeitung: Stadtplanung: Neue Wohnungen für 100 000 Menschen. Catherine Hoffmann, 17.02.2024.
- Tagesspiegel: Bundesverkehrswegeplan: Neuer Streit um Verkehrsplanung droht. Jana Kugoth, 31.03.2023.
- Süddeutsche Zeitung: Besser leben auf dem Land. Catherine Hoffmann, 02.06.2021.
- Bayerischer Rundfunk 2, Notizbuch: Familiengerechte Stadtplanung und Verfassungsgerichtsurteil zur Grundsteuer. 12.04.2018.
Academic self-government
- Examination Board Mobility Management, alternate member (2025- )
Academic organisations
- German Academy for Territorial Development in the Leibniz Association (ARL): Working groups land policy (international), reactivation of railway lines
- German Road and Transportation Research Association (FGSV): Working group accessibility planning
- International Academic Association on Planning, Law, and Property Rights (PLPR)
Reviewer for academic journals and funding organisations:
- disP – The Planning Review (member of the editorial board)
- Environment and Planning A: Economy and Space
- Journal of Transport Geography
- Journal of Urban Mobility
- Land Use Policy
Honorary appointment
- Member in the selection committee of the German National Academic Foundation
- Google Scholar
- ORCID ID: 0000-0002-2356-8120
- ResearchGate
- Web of Science: ResearcherID AAE-7087-2021