Prof. Dr.-Ing. Stefan Rusche
Despite a long career in the field of gas burner development, my current activities and research focus on reducing the use of fossil fuels. My expertise in combustion technology is still important, as fluctuating gas compositions are to be expected, especially in connection with the increasing use of hydrogen and other special gases. Furthermore, with increasing volatility in the utilisation of renewable energy sources, storage is becoming more and more important.This is one of the focal points of my research activities: thermal storage systems based on phase change materials (PCM). Our laboratory is equipped with a calorimeter (DSC), viscometers and test rigs for testing cycle stability.
- Since 2011
Professor of Heating and Cooling Technology at the RheinMain University of Applied Sciences (HSRM), Rüsselsheim - 2010 – 2011
Patent examiner, German Patent and Trade Mark Office, Munich - 2001 – 2010
Project Manager Product Development, Rational AG, Landsberg/Lech - 2001
Doctorate at the Ruhr University Bochum: "Theoretical and experimental investigation of ionisation processes in premixed laminar hydrocarbon flames" - 1996 – 2001
Research assistant and project manager, Gaswärme-Institut e. V. Essen (GWI) - 1994 – 1996
Head of the Osnabrück branch, RAX Öl- und Gasbrenner GmbH, Fellbach - 1992 – 1993
Student assistant, Ruhrgas AG, Essen, Dorsten branch office - 1990 – 1992
Student assistant, Ruhr University Bochum, Chair of Energy Systems Engineering - 1987 – 1993
Studied mechanical engineering, specialising in energy technology, Ruhr University Bochum
- Template – Heat pump storage unit for electric vehicles
- WäSpE – Heat pump storage unit for electric vehicles
- ARGUS – Prospects for a regenerative energy supply in Uzbekistan
- ZYMIRA – Cyclone cooler with reduced leaching of sample gases
- DIESELFREI – Direct testing of thermal storage in electric buses to reduce emissions
- eCARe – integrated technical process-based charging management concept for e-car logistics
- Optimus – Development, optimisation and application of PCM emulsions with high thermal storage density
Heß, L.; Dimova, D.; Piechalski, J.; Rusche, S.; Best, P.; Sonnekalb, M.: Analysis of the Specific Energy Consumption of Battery-Driven Electrical Buses for Heating and Cooling in Dependence on the Technical Equipment and Operating Conditions. World Electr. Veh. J. 2023, 14, 126.
Rusche, S.: Wasserstoff oder Wärmepumpe – Die Dekarbonisierung des Heizungskellers. 12.07.2023, VDI TechnikDialog Mitte-West des LV Rheinland-Pfalz (Online-Veranstaltung)
Sonnekalb, M. Rusche, S. Stumpf, P.: Thermomanagement für E-Fahrzeuge Online Veranstaltung der Transformationsplattform Mittelhessen (TransMIT). 21.06.2023
Rusche, S.: Gebäudeenergieversorgung mit Wasserstoff. Vortrag beim 4. Netzwerktreffen MaHynzExperts, 30.03.2023 in Mainz
Becker, L.; Dimova, D.; Rusche, S.: „Analyse der Heizkonzepte von batterieelektrischen Bussen mit unterschiedlichen Einsatzbedingungen". 5. Fachtagung Fahrzeugklimatisierung: 27./28.04.2022 in Essen
Rayya, A.; Rusche, S.: „Optimierung von Messgaskühlern mittels numerischer Simulation.“ 30. Deutscher Flammentag – für nachhaltige Verbrennung, Hannover Garbsen, 28.-29. Sept. 2021, Online-Tagungsband S. 796 - 805 (2021)
Best, P.; Sonnekalb, M.; Schmerer, R. Dimova, D.; Rusche, S.; Kratzing, R.; Klausner, S.; Städel, C.; Kuitunen, S.; Scholz, D.: „Alternative Heizkonzepte für Elektrobusse.“ 6. International Commercial Vehicle Technology Symposium, Kaiserslautern, März 2021
Dimova, D.; Rusche, S.; Sonnekalb, M.; Best, P.; Schmerer, R.: „Die Energieeinsparung durch thermische Speicher in Wärmepumpen von Bussen im realen Einsatz“, 4. Fachtagung Fahrzeugklimatisierung, Esslingen, Dez. 2020
Dimova, D.; Rusche, S.; Sonnekalb, M.; Best, P.: „Optimierungen beim Einsatz von PCM in Wärmepumpen von Elektrofahrzeugen.“, eMobilConvention, Wiesbaden, 28.-29. Mai 2019
Dimova, D.; Rusche, S.; Sonnekalb, M.; Best, P.: „Thermische Speicher in Wärmepumpen von Elektrofahrzeugen“, 3. Fachtagung Fahrzeugklimatisierung, Haus der Technik, Essen, 7.-8. Mai 2019
Khujanov, R., Rusche, S., Olimov, M., Nurmatov S.: Concentrating Solar Power - Way to Increase Efficiency of Existing Fossil Fuel Power Plants, The IAFOR International Conference on Sustainability Energy & the Environment, The Hawai‘i Convention Center, Honolulu, Hawaii, United States, January 03-05, 2019

Campus Rüsselsheim, Raum A 223
Am Brückweg 26, 65428 Rüsselheim
Email: stefan.rusche(at)
Phone: +49 6142 898-4324