Prof. Dr. Matthias Kowald
I was appointed to the professorship of "Mobility Management and Mobility Behaviour" in the Department of Architecture and Civil Engineering at RheinMain University of Applied Sciences in September 2016. In teaching and research, I deal with theories of human perceptions and choices as well as with methods of empirical social research. This mainly includes mobility and transport surveys and the corresponding statistical analyses, forecasting methods for mobility behaviour and transport demand as well as transport demand modelling. Within the university, I am a member of the Hessian Doctoral Centre for Mobility and Logistics and the RheinMain Institute for Transformative Sciences in Mobility and Logistics (RITMO).
- Since 2016
Professor of Mobility Management and Mobility Behaviour, Department of Architecture and Civil Engineering, RheinMain University of Applied Sciences, Wiesbaden - 2012 – 2016
Swiss Federal Office for Spatial Development (ARE), Ittingen/Switzerland
Management and further development of the Mobility and Transport Microcensus (MZMV)
Planning and implementation of a stated preference survey (SP) on transport mode and route choice
Operation and further development of national transport modelling in Switzerland in the area of passenger and freight transport - 2008 – 2012
Research assistant, Institute for Traffic Planning and Transport Systems (IVT), ETH Zurich
Dissertation on the influence of social networks on individual mobility behaviour - 2001 – 2007
Study of Social Sciences, University of Duisburg-Essen
- 2023 – 2024 Co-director of the RheinMain Institute for Transformative Sciences in Mobility and Logistics (RITMO)
- Since 2023 Chairman of the Doctoral Committee of the Hessian Doctoral Centre for Mobility and Logistics
- Since 2020 Ombudsperson of the RheinMain University of Applied Sciences for Good Scientific Practice
- Head of the FGSV working group for updating the "Recommendations for Traffic Surveys" (EVE)
- Member of the FGSV working committee for traffic surveys and forecasts
- CLEVER Electric City Rüsselsheim, Sub-project Socio-economic contexts
- Evaluation of the rental bike systems of the Verkehrsverbund Rhein-Neckar (VRN), the city of Freiburg i. B., the city of Mainz
- Growth finds the inside: Quality of life in densely populated regions
- Appointment as external expert in the accompanying commission for the study on cost-benefit analyses (CBA) and willingness to pay for travel time (VTT) in passenger transport in Switzerland, Swiss Road and Transport Standardisation Organisation, VSS 2017/119.
- Appointment as external expert in the advisory committee for the revision of the standard SN 640 003 on household surveys in passenger transport in Switzerland, Swiss Road and Transport Standardisation Organisation, VSS.
- Evaluation of the perception of AI-generated video reports
Reckermann H., Gutjar M. and M. Kowald (2024) Studying shared bike route choice behavior using a bike-sharing system in Germany, Journal of Cycling and Micromobility Research, Available online 17 February 2024, 100017.
Gutjar M and M. Kowald (2023) The configuration of charging stations: What do potential users want?, Travel Behaviour and Society, 32, Article 100579.
Blees V., Kowald M., Bondarenke I. und L. Raudonat (2023) Regionale Mietradsysteme – Nutzungsmuster und Verhaltensroutinen am Beispiel der Region Rhein-Neckar, Internationales Verkehrswesen, 1/2023, S. 50-56.
Wirtgen C., Kowald M., Luderschmidt J. and H. Hünemohr (2022) Multivariate Demand Forecasting for Rental Bike Systems based on an Unobserved Component Mode, Electronics 2022, Electronics 2022, 11(24), 4146.
Kowald M., Gutjar M., Röth K., Schiller C. and T. Dannewald (2022) Mode choice effects on bike sharing systems, Applied Sciences 2022, 12, 4391.
Parady G.T., Frei A., Kowald M., Guidon S., Wicki M., van den Berg P., Arentze T., Timmermans H., Carrasco J.A., Wellman B., Takami K., Harata N. and K.W. Axhausen (2021) A comparative study of contact frequencies among social network members in five countries, Journal of Transport Geography, 90, Article 102934.
Weis, C., Kowald, M., Danalet, A., Schmid, B., Vrtic, M., Axhausen, K.W. and N. Mathys (2021) Surveying and analysing mode and route choices in Switzerland 2010 – 2015, Travel behaviour and society, 22, 10 - 21.
Nazemi K., M. Kowald, T. Dannewald, D. Burkhardt and E. Ginters (2020) Visual analytics indicators for mobility and transportation, paper for the 61st international scientific conference on Information Technology and Management Science (ITMS), Riga, October 2020, published by Institute of electrical and electronical engineers (IEEE). DOI: 10.1109/ITMS51158.2020.9259321
Schikofsky J., Dannewald T. and M. Kowald (2020) Exploring motivational mechanisms behind the intention to adopt mobility as a service (MaaS): Insights from Germany, Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice, 131, 196 - 312.

Campus Kurt-Schumacher-Ring, building D, room 226
Kurt-Schumacher-Ring 18, 65197 Wiesbaden
Email: matthias.kowald(at)
Phone: +49 611 9495-1949