Prof. Dr. Thomas Heimer
I have been Professor of Innovation Management at RheinMain University of Applied Sciences since 2009. My research specialises in economic technology and innovation research. I work primarily in the field of technology genesis and climate policy effects. Empirically, I work in the field of digitalisation and decarbonisation in the transport and building sector. I am also a member of the Expert Council for Climate Issues.
- Since 2009
Professor of Innovation Management and Project Management at the RheinMain University of Applied Sciences (HSRM), Rüsselsheim, and Honorary Professor at the Frankfurt School of Finance and Management, Frankfurt am Main - Scientific Director of Technopolis Deutschland GmbH, a research and consulting institute for innovation and technology policy, Frankfurt am Main
- 2018 – 2022
Head of the IMPACT RheinMain project funded by the "Innovative University" programme of the Federal Ministry of Education and Research and the "Joint Economic Conference" - 1999 – 2009
Professor of Innovation Management and Managing Dean of the Frankfurt School of Finance & Management, Frankfurt am Main - 1995 – 1999
Head of the Society Division at the VDI/VDE Technology Centre for Information Technology, Teltow - 1988 – 1995
Consultant and lecturer for the organisation and implementation of European adult education as part of the activities of the European Social Fund - 1988 – 1995
Research assistant in the Department of Economics at the Johann Wolfgang Goethe University, Frankfurt - 1993
Doctorate with the topic "On the economics of the emergence of technologies" - 1990 – 1991
DAAD guest lecturer for economics at the University of Leipzig - 1990
Research Fellow at Columbia University in New York - 1983 – 1988
Studied economics at the Johann Wolfgang von Goethe University, Frankfurt am Main
- Member of the Expert Council for Climate Issues
- Chairman of the "Go-Cluster" advisory board of the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Protection until 2024
- Chairman of the Carolinum Foundation
- Member of the Supervisory Board of Gewobau Rüsselsheim
- Innofuels, Federal Ministry for Digital and Transport Affairs
- Smart Living Hessen Cluster, HessenAgentur (until the end of 2023)
- IMPACT RheinMain as part of the Innovative University programme, Federal Ministry of Education and Research (until the end of 2022)
Expertenrat für Klimafragen (Hg.), 2023, Prüfbericht zur Berechnung der deutschen Treibhausgasemissionen für das Jahr 2022
Expertenrat für Klimafragen (Hg.), 2022, Zweijahresgutachten 2022
Expertenrat für Klimafragen (Hg.), 2022, Prüfbericht zu den Sofortprogrammen 2022 für den Gebäude- und Verkehrssektor
Expertenrat für Klimafragen (Hg.), 2022, Bericht zur Vorjahresschätzung der deutschen Treibhausemissionen für das Jahr 2021
Blind, Knut, Marianne Kulicke, Thomas Heimer, Stephan Kreuzter, Heike Nachtigall, Lisa Pschorn, Christian Rammer, Bettina Müller, 2021, Querschnittsevaluation "Unterstützungslandschaft für innovative Gründungen"
Expertenrat für Klimafragen (Hg.), 2021, Bericht zur Vorjahresschätzung der deutschen Treibhausemissionen für das Jahr 2020
Rammer, Christian, Lena Füner, Sandra Gottschalk, Hannes Marks, Thomas Heimer, Heike Nachtigall, Jerome Treperman, 2020, Zusammenhang zwischen der Durchführung von Digitalisierungs- und Innovationsvorhaben im Mittelstand, Bericht an die KfW Bankengruppe

Campus Rüsselsheim, room A-South 218
Am Brückweg 26, 65428 Rüsselheim
Email: thomas.heimer(at)
Mobile: +49 173 7250913