Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Ulrike Stadtmüller

As Vice Dean of the Faculty of Engineering, I am responsible for creating good conditions for my academically active colleagues and supporting them. Among other things, I lead our doctoral seminar with currently more than 30 young researchers, was actively involved in setting up AZARE and our doctoral centre and also supervise individual doctoral students. It is important to me to give more visibility to the diverse activities in the department and to promote scientific exchange.

  • Since 2018
    Vice Dean of the FB ING
  • Since 2017
    Professor of Process Engineering and Biotechnology at RheinMain University of Applied Sciences
  • 2013 – 2017
    Substitute professor at the RheinMain University of Applied Sciences
  • 2008 – 2015
    Lecturer at various universities (DHBW Mannheim/FB Mechanical Engineering, TU Kaiserslautern/FB Mechanical Process Engineering, FH Kaiserslautern/SG Civil Engineering, RheinMain University of Applied Sciences/SG Environmental Engineering, FH Trier/FB Mechanical Engineering)
  • 1999 – 2011
    Private lecturer at the TU Berlin, Faculty III (Process Sciences)
  • 2003
    Habilitation in the subject ‘Waste Management’ at the TU Berlin and award of the venia legendi
  • 1996
    Doctorate (Dr. rer. nat.) at the University of Göttingen
  • 1995
    Foundation of ‘Wissenschaftliches Beratungsbüro König’
  • 1992
    Intermediate examination in journalism
  • 1990 – 1997
    Diploma, doctoral thesis and postdoc at the MPI for Experimental Medicine, Department of Immunochemistry
  • 1990
    Enrolment for philosophy/journalism as a second degree programme, ibid.
  • 1985 – 1990
    Diploma programme in Biology at the University of Göttingen
  • 1985 A-levels at the Aldegrever-Gymnasium Soest
  • Interfaces between biology and engineering science
  • Sustainability
  • Biotechnology
  • Immunochemistry and protein chemistry
  • Member of the Fraunhofer LBF Board of Trustees since 2024
  • 2019-2020 Reviewer for the ‘Research for Practice’ funding line of the HAW
  • Vice Dean of the Department of Engineering since 2018 (currently in her third term of office)
  • Active in the Environmental Engineering departmental conferences and the ING faculty council since 2013
  • Member of the ProFiL programme of the Berlin University Alliance since 2005
  • 2017 – 2020 Establishment of the information centre ‘The four elements’ with Dr.-Ing. T. Grommes (Ludwigshafen joint waste-to-energy plant, GML) and Dr. K. Kufeld (Ernst Bloch Centre Ludwigshafen)
  • 2015 – 2017 Research project ‘Microplastics - ecotoxicology and retention in sewage treatment plants and filters’ with the RheinMain and Mittelhessen universities and MESOCOSM GmbH, Homberg
  • 2005 TU Berlin, report ‘Sustainable management in production systems close to raw materials - using the example of waste management’, anchored in the BMBF's ‘Research for Sustainability’ framework programme

Wieberneit, J., Stadtmüller, U., Schmid, T. und Kummer, V. (2015), Erfassung und Verwertung von Windenergieanlagen, Jahresbericht 2015 des Hessischen Landesamtes für Umwelt und Geologie (S. 69-76)

Tritschler, N., Stadtmüller, U. und Deister, U. (2015), Vorschläge zur Optimierung der Rückgabe von Mobiltelefonen und Smartphones, Müll und Abfall, 12, S. 684-689

Stadtmüller, U. und Rotter, S., “Sekundärrohstoffe“, In: Hirth, T., Woidasky, J. und Eyerer, P. (Hrsg.), „Nachhaltige rohstoffnahe Produktion – Abschlussbericht des Vorhabens „Analyse, Bewertung und Dokumentation von Forschungsschwerpunkten für den Themenbereich `Nachhaltig Wirtschaften in rohstoffnahen Produktionssystemen`“ im Rahmenprogramm „Forschung für Nachhaltigkeit“ des BMBF, Fraunhofer IRB-Verlag, Stuttgart (2007), S. 344-394

Stadtmüller, U.    „Grundlagen der Bioabfallwirtschaft; Lehr- und Handbuch“, TK-Verlag, Neuruppin (2004), 503 Seiten

Stadtmüller, U., Schmid, A., Benz, R., Thinnes, F. P. and Hilschmann, N. (1997), Mitochondrial and Extra-Mitochondrial Human Porin are Identical, Biophys. J., 72, A348

König, U., Götz, H., Walter, G., Babel, D., Hohmeier, H.-E., Thinnes, F. P. und Hilschmann, N. (1991) ,Zur Kenntnis der Porine des Menschen, Teil V. Die Plasmalemmständigkeit von „Porin 31HL“ ist keine Folge einer Zell-Transformation, Biol. Chem. Hoppe-Seyler, 372, S. 565-572


Campus Rüsselsheim, room A 024
Am Brückweg 26, 65428 Rüsselheim
Email: prodekanin-ing(at)
Phone: +49 6142 898-4654