Summer School 2018 - New York

Twelve B.A. and M.A. students from our faculty, joined by Prof. Dr. Heidrun Schulze and Prof. Dr. Davina Höblich, traveled to New York from 29 Jun – 06 Jul 2018. Students from the Silver School of Social Work at New York University (NYU) participated in the Summer School as part of the cooperation between HSRM and NYU.
The topic: "Where do you come from? (Im-) Migration Discourses in Germany and the USA".
For further information and impressions of the Summer School, you can browse through the following presentation (PDF 17,1MB).
Summer School 2016 - Wiesbaden![]()
The Summer School with the topic "Human Rights and Social Justice in Social Work Research and Practice: Perspectives from Germany and the U.S.A." took place from the 15–22 Jul 2016 at our Faculty of Applied Social Sciences.
For further information and impressions of the Summer School, you can browse through the following presentation (PDF 1 MB) and the program of the Summer School (PDF 230 KB). Follow the link to find out more about the organizers and guest lectureres of the Summer School (PDF 257 KB).
Furthermore, a newspaper article about the Summer School was published in "Wiesbadener Kurier" (18.07.2016), which you can find here.
We are very glad for the opportunity to have worked with you and our guests from the New York University Silver School of Social Work!
Summer School 2014 - Loja, Ecuador
A Summer School with the Faculty's partner university Universidad Técnica Particular de Loja took place in Loja/ Ecuador in the end of July 2014. Prof. Dr. Ploil, Prof. Dr. Schulze and 11 students participated at the Summer School.
This presentation (PDF 3.7 MB) summarizes the main information about the Summer School 2014.
An article about the Summer School (PDF 4.7 MB) written jointly by Prof. Dr Heifrun Schulze and three studens, who participated in the event, was published in the Journal of the Hochschule RheinMain in January 2015. Read their experiences by following the link.
2011 International Summer School - Wiesbaden
The Summer School "Investigations by doing research of person-group-community" took place at our Faculty of Applied Social Sciences in September 2011. Students from Ecuador, Lithuania, Slovenia, Spain and students from our faculty participated in the summer school. For two weeks, students and staff discussed questions on qualitative research methods with Prof. Dr. Heidrun Schulze, Prof. Dr. Eleonore Oja Ploil and guests, visited social institutions in and nearby Wiesbaden and enjoyed cultural activities in Wiesbaden.
Here you can find the announcement of the Summer School (PDF 255 KB) with the complete programm.
A student of our faculty wrote a article (PDF 319 KB) about the Summer School. Another article (PDF 519 KB)(in German only) was published in the journal of the RheinMain University of Applied Sciences.