Crossmedia Spaces Master

Crossmedia Spaces

Master of Arts (M.A.)

HSRM offers over 70 degree programs at five faculties:

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What is it?


The master’s degree program Communication Design – Crossmedia Spaces is focused on the conception of spaces that are designed or transformed by media – using a mix of real and virtual, analog and digital. The degree program has been developed for communication designers and designers and uses interdisciplinary modules to prepare students for the diverse range of roles that are available in the design industry. In the constantly evolving media landscape, new types of tasks and communication spaces are constantly emerging that need to be shaped and designed. These include exhibitions, brand and trade fair presentations, visitor centers, and art installations. In order to offer visitors, consumers, and bystanders an unforgettable experience, stories need to be told in all kinds of ways – using humorous, objective, or evocative approaches. A story is told with all kinds of media – in different “voices”, i.e. with images, symbols, music, and sounds. This means that anything that can inform our senses becomes part of the communicative process.
For this reason, the Communication Design discipline draws on a full range of media tools. Students of Communication Design – Crossmedia Spaces learn how the individual tools can be molded together to form a greater whole. Using a range of types of media, a particular story is told in a context. A particular focus in this process is placed on the search for artistic and experimental forms of expression and non-linear narrative forms. The students learn, in an interdisciplinary team and in a co-creative team process, how to develop a cross-media design concept – the thematic and atmospheric design of a space for communication and interaction.

The degree program is divided into three areas:

  • Interdisciplinary and cross-media design
  • Artistic conception and design thinking
  • Team building and project management

What can I do with it?

The master's degree program trains experienced crossmedia and project designers of tomorrow. By developing natural creative thinking skills, Communication Design – Crossmedia Spaces graduates have the skills to develop information and communication spaces in all areas of society. Interactions with media productions may be used in all kinds of public and semi-public spaces – from museums and cultural institutions, to companies and museums. The role may also encompass the development of digital communication spaces, campaigns, and other communication measures With the program’s interdisciplinary and future-focused approach to teaching, graduates are equipped with the vital skills needed for assuming a creative leadership role. Communication Design – Crossmedia Spaces students have a world of design opportunities open to them in a rapidly changing media sector.


For degree-seeking students: detailed information on admission requirements, application deadlines, etc. can be found on the German page.

Key facts

Study location

Wiesbaden Unter den Eichen Campus

Standard period of study

3 semesters

Main language of instruction

German - We offer courses in English for exchange students.

Accreditation agency

Internal accreditation

Commencement of studies

Winter semester


Our i-Punkt at the Kurt-Schumacher-Ring Campus is there to answer all your questions about studying and applying.

You can contact Professor Betty Schimmelpfennig directly for further information.