Business & Law
in Accounting & Taxation

Bachelor of Laws

HSRM offers over 70 degree programs at five faculties:

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What is it?

The Business & Law in Accounting and Taxation degree program is designed to prepare students for the specific knowledge requirements of consulting and auditing professions with associated expertise in the areas of business administration and corporate law.

The aim is to prepare students for managerial tasks in their future professional working life and, if applicable, for the professional examinations to become tax consultants or auditors.


  • The program focuses on tax law, business law and business administration in approximately equal proportions and combines these in an interdisciplinary, holistic approach.
  • Students can study topics of sustainability and digitalization (e.g., DATEV certificate). Economic content is complemented with foreign language, presentation and academic writing skills.
  • In view of the internationalization of the professional world, course contents with international relevance such as international tax law, international accounting and European law are taught from the 4th semester on.
  • Through partnerships with businesses, there is an early opportunity for work-related paid employment during the degree program. An internship in the 7th semester is the ideal introduction to the professional world, as the knowledge the students have acquired can be applied in practice, thus creating an additional link between practice and theory. In addition, the internship offers the opportunity to establish initial contacts with potential employers.

Formal aspects

  • Full-time on-campus degree program,
  • Commencement of studies in winter and summer semester,
  • Period of study: 8 semesters,
  • Four-month internship in the 7th semester.

What can I do with it?

The program prepares its graduates for jobs in accounting/auditing, tax consulting and related professional areas. Due to the eight-semester degree program, the professional work period required to pass related professional examinations is considerably shortened. For example, the tax advisor exam can be taken after only two years and the auditor exam after only three years of professional experience. Passing the professional examinations also allows self-employment.

Due to the interdisciplinary approach, the high practical relevance and the eight-semester standard period of study, the program offers great prospects for a quick career start and a successful career.

Business lawyers with legal and business administration expertise are in great demand on the labor market, as they close the gap between lawyers and business economists. At Wiesbaden Business School, this combination is supplemented by a third component, tax law.


For degree-seeking students: detailed information on admission requirements, application deadlines, etc. can be found on the German page.


Key facts

Study location

Wiesbaden, Bleichstraße/Bertramstraße Campus

Standard period of study

8 semesters

Main language of instruction

German - We offer courses in English for exchange students.

Accreditation agency

Internal accreditation

Commencement of studies

Winter and summer semester


Our i-Punkt at the Kurt-Schumacher-Ring Campus is there to answer all your questions about studying and applying.

You can contact the ServiceCenter directly for further information on the degree program.