[Translate to English:] Digital Business Management Master Studiengang Hochschule RheinMain

Digital Business Management

Master of Science

HSRM offers over 70 degree programs at five faculties:

All degree programs

What is it?

Digitization is on everyone’s lips and is affecting almost every aspect of our lives, even if it is taking very different forms.

Small, medium, and large enterprises need to proactively consider the approaches being opened up by digitization and to constantly reassess these in the manner of a “moving target”. Current and future staff in management roles therefore face increasing demands when it comes both to financial and technical tasks, but also needs related to value-creation.

The master’s degree program in Digital Business Management explicitly addresses these needs by teaching specific skills in areas such as data science, business informatics, value creation, marketing, and management. Other issues, such as sustainability, are also playing a larger role when it comes to digitization.


What can I do with it?

The master’s degree program in Digital Business Management prepares students for the digitization challenges and needs faced by enterprises. The management skills taught as part of the degree give students the ability to lead teams inside enterprises, paving the way for professional careers and management roles with responsibility for staff in all areas of a company or organization.

After completing the degree, graduates can choose to move into small, medium, or large enterprises, as these are all affected by digitization and the digital transformation. The skills acquired can also be used in the public sector.


For degree-seeking students: detailed information on admission requirements, application deadlines, etc. can be found on the German page.

Key facts

Study location

Wiesbaden, Bleichstraße / Bertramstraße Campus

Standard period of study

4 semesters

Main language of instruction

German - We offer courses in English for exchange students.

Accreditation agency

Internal accreditation


Our i-Punkt at the Kurt-Schumacher-Ring Campus is there to answer all your questions about studying and applying.

For more information, contact the ServiceCenter of your degree program.