Financial Services

Dual, Bachelor of Science

HSRM offers over 70 degree programs at five faculties:

All degree programs

What is it?

If you are interested in the world of the financial services industry and therefore in a degree program in Financial Services and would like to combine professional practical experience with a degree program or acquire an additional vocational training qualification, our degree program is ideal for you. In the degree program Financial Services (cooperative degree program), you have the choice between the specialization options “Insurance cooperative degree program plus apprenticeship”, “Insurance cooperative degree program plus professional internship” or “Banking cooperative degree program plus professional internship”.

  • Plus apprenticeship:
    In the “plus apprenticeship” option, you will complete vocational training as an insurance and finance services broker in addition to your university studies. During the application process, you will choose the specialization option “insurance”.
  • Plus professional internship:
    You can choose the “plus professional internship” option if you have completed vocational training in business administration and are employed by a company in the financial services industry that cooperates with our degree program. By having your professional experience credited, it may then be possible for you to start directly in the 3rd semester of our degree program. During the application process, you will choose between the specialization options “Insurance” or “Banking”.

The cooperative degree program is characterized by particularly close cooperation between the university and the cooperating companies in terms of content and practice. You will acquire broad and integrated knowledge of insurance, banking, and financial services on the basis of the most recent available data in the field of national and international financial services markets. In addition to basic knowledge of general financial services markets, you will specialize in insurance or banking, depending on the area you have chosen to focus on.


The degree program is based on general business administration training, which is supplemented by further insights into the functional and methodological features of business management in insurance, banking, and finance companies.

This fundamental knowledge of business administration is supplemented by modules in quantitative methods as well as elements of risk management and management in the fields of insurance, banking, and financial management. Teaching currently focuses on the digitization of financial service processes in particular.

The theoretical training is continuously coordinated with the cooperating companies.

The required elective subjects and the courses offered by the Language Center and the Competence & Career Center enable you to acquire additional qualifications.

The phases of practical training in the cooperating company are completed during the semester as well as during the semester break. You will complete your bachelor's thesis at the cooperating company.

In your 5th semester, you will have the opportunity to spend a semester abroad.

Formal aspects

  • Full-time on-campus degree program,
  • Commencement of studies in the winter semester only,
  • Period of study: 6 semesters; it may be possible to have the first two semesters credited in the cooperative degree program plus internship,
  • Phases of practical training: throughout the course of studies.

What can I do with it?

Upon successful completion of your studies you will be a qualified business economist for financial services, specialized in insurance or banking.

You will be well prepared to support the management in insurance companies, banks, and integrated financial services companies at various managerial levels and, after an appropriate induction period, to take on management responsibilities yourself.

Due to the high degree of relevance to the labor market, graduates of the degree program are met with a high level of demand from the insurance and banking industries, management consulting and auditing sectors as they embark upon their careers.

For degree-seeking students: detailed information on admission requirements, application deadlines, etc. can be found on the German page.

Key facts

Study location

Wiesbaden, Bleichstraße/Bertramstraße Campus

Standard period of study

6 semesters (It may be possible to have the first two semesters credited in the cooperative degree program plus internship)

Full-time on-campus cooperative degree program

- Specialization in banking: plus professional internship

- Specialization in insurance: plus apprenticeship or plus professional internship

Main language of instruction

German - We offer courses in English for exchange students.

Accreditation agency

Internal accreditation

Commencement of studies

Winter semester


Our i-Punkt at the Kurt-Schumacher-Ring Campus is there to answer all your questions about studying and applying.

You can contact the ServiceCenter directly for further information on the degree program.