FAQ List Feedback Management sorted by topics (A-D)

A – What is Feedback Management and how do we work?


B – Who is our target audience? 


C – What is the legal basis of our work?


D – What else you should know?



A – What is Feedback Management and how do we work?

A1. What is Feedback Management at University of Applied Sciences RheinMain?

It is the central service unit for all feedback concerning studies and teaching at University of Applied Sciences RheinMain, helping students to clarify their concerns individually. Furthermore, feedback management contributes to the continuous development of the University.


A2. How does Feedback Management work?

We are guided by the principles of independence, confidentiality, neutrality and Omni-partiality, and appreciation when dealing with feedback cases. By doing so, we follow the self-concept of the Network Complaint- and Improvement, and Ombudsperson of German Universities. 

We see ourselves as a supportive institution that is happy to help you and all other persons involved in the feedback process to find solutions. Depending on the feedback, we gather information, create transparency, connect the parties involved, counsel and accompany you. In case of conflicts, the feedback management can also assist students. Together we find good solutions.


A 3. To what extent students are involved in Feedback Management?

According to the statute of feedback management students can be involved case-related (e.g. via a student’s council). We ensure that the feedback providers and feedback addressees are not identifiable, when third parties are involved. 


A4.  Is Feedback Management a legal advice?

Feedback management does not give any legal advice, nor is it a legal service entity. In case you need legal advice, please contact the Studentenwerk Frankfurt or the legal service of AStA.


A5. Can I submit an objection to Feedback Management?

Feedback management does not process objections, as it is not a legal entity.  However, it can be useful - depending on your concern - to file in an objection. In case you want to file objection against an official notice, you can find information in the instruction on right to appeal of the legal notice.


A6. Where can find advice regarding my studies?

The feedback management handles concerns, ideas, criticism and of course praise. If your request deals with any of these matters, you have found the right place. However, if you have specific questions regarding your studies, e.g. choice of study and/or courses, please contact the central student advisory service. In case you have problems organizing your studies or exam anxiety, or a similar issue, please consult the psychological counselling of the University of Applied Sciences RheinMain.


A7. Can I contact Feedback Management when experiencing technical issues?

Concerning technical issues, such as online course or exam registration, please contact the IT- and Media Service unit. For technical questions relating to online enrollment and/or application please contact bewerbungssupport(at)hs-rm.de


B Who is our target audience?

B1 Who is eligible to give feedback? 

We welcome feedback provided in a constructive spirit by all persons connected to University of Applied Sciences RheinMain. Nevertheless, the feedback management is primarily a service unit for prospective students, students enrolled at University of Applied Sciences RheinMain, and Alumni.


B2. Is university staff allowed to use Feedback Management?

Feedback management has been set up primarily for the target group described in question B1. We are currently also processing the feedback given by other members of the university.


B3. As a university staff member, can I contact Feedback Management in cases of conflicts with other staff members?

Please contact the staff council or conflict management of the University of Applied Sciences RheinMain in cases of conflicts other staff members.

C. What is the legal basis of our work?

C1. Where do I find relevant information on data protection and what happens with my data?

The statute of feedback management of the University of Applied Sciences RheinMain clearly outlines how your data is processed and protected.


C2. Is my feedback confidential?

Your feedback will of course be treated confidentially. Only the feedback manager knows all your details. As a matter of principle, every time feedback is processed, we check whether it is necessary to pass on the request with personal data. In case it is necessary, we ask for your consent to process the case with personal data, and only then, we forward the case to the persons involved.


C3. Can I provide feedback anonymously?

Generally, anonymous feedback is possible. You may also use a pseudonym. However, we would like to point out that we cannot contact you, if your feedback is anonymous. It is also not possible to inform you about the results of your feedback. If you wish information on your concern, please kindly provide your contact details, e.g. email address or phone number. 


C4. I am worried to experience disadvantages when contacting Feedback Management…

Since your request will be treated confidentially and your name will only be mentioned to other employees and members of the University of Applied Sciences RheinMain if you agree to it, you need not fear any disadvantages. If you have this concern, simply contact us, and we will coordinate with you.

D What should you know?

D1 Is it actually possible to follow up on the topics Feedback Management is dealing with?

Topics and content received by feedback management are analyzed each semester.  The feedback is recorded anonymously and statistically evaluated. The semester report is public open to students and university staff, and can be accessed with the personal login data in the QM interface (>Stichworte A-  Z >Feedbackmanagement >Semesterreports).

The feedback management statute of the University of Applied Sciences RheinMain stipulates in detail how your data is processed and protected.


D2. How was Feedback Management actually established at University of Applied Sciences RheinMain?

Feedback Management was developed and implemented in 2014/15 at University of Applied Sciences RheinMain as part of a project financed by the structural study program of the Hessen State Ministry for Higher Education, Research and the Arts.

The aim was to establish a low-threshold opportunity for (anonymous) feedback for students.  On the one hand this additional service was also designed to support the University in better closing its feedback loops for the continuous improvement of study quality, and on the other hand to pursue its strategic goals in the area of study and teaching in a tailored manner.


D3. Who was involved in developing the concept? 

The concept to introduce Feedback Management was developed in close cooperation with various stakeholders. From the beginning on, it was important to the project team to involve the University’s bodies, such as the Senate and the Staff Council, but especially the student body, represented by AStA and the student councils of the faculties.  Consistent information and participation of all organizational units were the key success factors of the project that enabled to establish Feedback Management as a trustworthy and meaningful institution.


D4. Is there a distinctive feature of the Feedback Management of the University of Applied Sciences RheinMain?

Thanks to the good cooperation of all parties involved, the University of Applied Sciences Rhein Main was the first university in Germany that drafted a statute for feedback management, which regulates in particular the handling of personal data in feedback management, and establishes legal certainty. The General Staff Council, the Data Protection Officer, and the AStA agreed upon the statute. It was approved by the Senate, and legally adopted by the Presidential Board.


D5. Whom can I contact in case of further questions?

In case you still have questions, please kindly contact the feedback manager, Ms. Caroline Kandler: feedback@hs-rm.de