Please note: RheinMain University of Applied Sciences will become a testDaF center from 2024 and will no longer offer the DSH exam. The preparatory German course C1 will offer testDaF exam training from 2024. We will publish more information about this latest development on this website from December 2023.

Here you will find all information about the required German language skills for application and for studying as well as information about the preparatory German course C1 with DSH exam training and the DSH exam.


If you apply with foreign certificates, you are required to hand in proof of German language skills at level B2. You can submit the following evidence with your application:

  • DSH-1
  • TestDaf: at least level 3 in all parts of the exam
  • Intermediate Level Language Test of the Goethe-Institut ("Zentrale Mittelstufenprüfung")
  • a certificate showing you have completed an advanced course at another language school (Zeugnis über den Abschluss der Oberstufe eines Sprachinstituts)
  • a certificate showing you have completed a DSH/TestDaF preparatory course
  • a certificate of a completed German course/German examination with at least level B2 according to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages
  • proof of at least 1,000 hours of German lessons (800 hours for application to Studienkolleg)

You can be exempted from a German examination if you hand in one of the following certificates:

  •  telc C1 Hochschule
  •  Österreichisches Sprachdiplom C2 (ÖSD 2)
  • A degree in German (also teaching first or second foreign language) abroad
  • a completed vocational apprenticeship (or education) in Germany
  • 10 school years at a German school (the certificate "Realschulabschluss" without proof of 10 years at a German school does not qualify)!
  • or if you are applying for the English taught master's degree program 'International Management'

Once you are admitted to the desired degree program, you are required to hand in proof of German language skills with level DSH-2. You must submit one of the following certifates by the enrollment deadline, but no later than March 15 for a summer semester or September 15 for a winter semester:

  • German language proficiency test for university entrance (DSH) at a registered higher education institution. DSH-2 is required!
  • TestDaf: min. level 4 in all parts of the examination
  • telc Deutsch: C1 Hochschule
  • Goethe Certificate C2
  • German Language Diploma of the German Education Ministers’ Conference DSD II (Deutsches Sprachdiplom– Stufe II)
  • "Großes" or "Kleines Deutsches Sprachdiplom" test of the Goethe Institute
  • Goethe Institute: the Central Advanced Language Test "Zentrale Oberstufenprüfung"
  • Certificate of the German Language Examination II of the Sprachen- und Dolmetscher-Institut Munich

You can be exempted from a German examination if you hand in one of the following certificates:

  • telc C1 Hochschule
  • Österreichisches Sprachdiplom C2 (ÖSD C2)
  • A degree in German (also teaching first or second foreign language) abroad
  • a completed vocational apprenticeship (or education) in Germany
  • 10 school years at a German school (the certificate "Realschulabschluss" without proof of 10 years at a German school does not qualify)!
  •  German citizens who have obtained their International Baccalaureate (IB) in Germany are exempt from the DSH examination if the subject German was taken as Language A or Language B HL.
  • or if you are applying for the English taught master's degree program 'International Management'. In this case, a level C1 in English is required, see also here.

You will find an exhaustive list in Annex 1 of the Enrollment Rules for Hochschule RheinMain (only in German).

The preparatory German course C1 is primarily aimed at applicants who are interested in studying at the RheinMain University of Applied Sciences. The course capacity is limited to 20 places (12 places at this time due to Covid-19 restrictions). In case of capacity restrictions, participation may be limited to applicants of the RheinMain University of Applied Sciences.

Participation requirements

  • a valid direct university entrance qualification (if you want to know whether you have a valid qualification to study, please check anabin).
  • Proof of German language skills at level B2


650 €


Course participants do not have student status and are not eligible for the Study Ticket.

You can find all further relevant information on the German website.

The TestDaF (Test of German as a Foreign Language) is a language test for international applicants. It is recognized at all colleges and universities in Germany as proof of language proficiency according to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR). The TestDaF is developed and corrected by the TestDaF Institute. There are currently two versions of the exam:

  •  The paper-based TestDaF (the tasks are completed on paper);
  •  The digital TestDaF (the test is taken digitally on a PC).

As a licensed test center, the LehrLernZentrum of Hochschule RheinMain conducts the digital TestDaF twice a year (February and June). With the result 4-4-4-4 you can study at the RheinMain University of Applied Sciences.


You can register for the digital TestDaF via the website of the TestDaF Institute (web site is entirely written in German): First search for the city of Wiesbaden under "Teilnehmende > Testzentrum finden", then klick on "Hochschule RheinMain".

After booking the desired exam, you will have access to the TestDaF portal for participants. Further information is available there, including a digital model test in the original format with solutions. You can also find further information in the FAQs on all topics relating to the exam:

If you would like to assess in advance whether your German language skills are sufficient to take the exam successfully, you can test your German with the "Fit für den digitalen TestDaF" gap test or with one of the following free placement tests:

Do you have any questions about applying with foreign certificates?

If you have any questions about applying with a foreign certificate and the application process, please feel free to contact:

Frau Ursula Haque
Frau Laure Leuschner

Phone: +49 611 9495 1550
Monday through Thursday from 09:00 to 12:00

Consultation by telephone arrangement: on site or via video call.

Send an e-mail
Please note the longer processing times during the application phase and refrain from calling to inquire about your email.