Short interview with Prof. Dr. Nikolay Tcholtchev

Nikolay Tcholtchev © Philipp Plum/ Fraunhofer FOKUS

Prof. Dr. Nikolay Tcholtchev has been appointed Professor of Computer Science with a focus on Smart City, Smart Region and Smart Country at the Faculty of Design Computer Science Media at Hochschule RheinMain (HSRM) as of April 1, 2024. He graduated in computer science from the Technical University of Berlin in 2009 and received his doctorate in engineering from the same university in 2019. Professor Tcholtchev held several positions as a software developer in telecommunications at Siemens, Siemens Networks and Nokia Siemens Networks before moving to the Fraunhofer Institute for Open Communication Systems in Berlin, where he progressed from research assistant to a leadership position. His research focuses on smart cities, telecommunications, software quality assurance, data platforms, cybersecurity, artificial intelligence and quantum computing. Professor Tcholtchev has led numerous industry and research projects at national and international level, including studies for the EU Parliament.

What aspect of your research fascinates you the most?

In my research, I am most fascinated by the variety of technologies used in smart cities – from mobile phone architectures such as 4G/5G, the Internet of Things, telecommunications networks and data platforms to methods of data analysis and artificial intelligence. The smooth interaction of this broad range of technologies has the potential to revolutionize future cities and municipalities and improve the quality of life of citizens.

What does “good teaching” mean to you?

Above all, good teaching must be well suited to its purpose. On the one hand, it must match a students’ level of knowledge and develop it further and, on the other hand, it must prepare a student for professional and research life through concrete examples and case studies. It is particularly important to me that students achieve the necessary scientific and theoretical depth and that they acquire the knowledge and skills to think abstractly as well as to understand the technical architectures and algorithms used.

What did you want to be growing up?

When I was little, I wanted to become a pilot. My focus shifted to programming and research as a teenager. I really enjoyed mathematics and algorithms, and I am glad that my hobby later became my profession.

What do you enjoy doing in your spare time?

I like to do CrossFit, fitness and jogging.