Picture and Video Collection

Pictures say more than a 1000 words - and videos even more. 

Here we present projects and cooperations, which were created during the "Global Design & Media CoSpace" project. 



Global Design & Media CoSpace Meeting

As part of the project, all five project partners came together for a whole week in Wiesbaden in June to discuss the goals and next steps of the internationalisation project. In addition to workshops, networking opportunities and a parallel Travelling Classroom, joint cultural excursions were also undertaken.

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GDMC Meeting 2023
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(c) Emili Schäfer & Dominik Hahl





Guest lecture "experimental short film"

How do you make an experimental short film? Our Master's students spent an entire week dealing with this question and challenge. In the course taught by Kevin Obsatz, a visiting professor from our American partner university in Stevens Point, our masters learnt to rethink and free themselves from the rules they had learnt.

(c) Kevin Obsatz





Travelling Classroom HSRM students to Vienna & Volda

As part of the course "Conceptual Film Design", our fourth semester students travelled to two of our partner universities: Volda University College, Norway (10 students) and BFI Vienna, Austria (20 students). 
In Volda, the students' task was to reflect on their connection with nature and document what they associate with it. After two long days of hiking in the mountains and on islands, they created a rough cut that was presented on their last day. The students who travelled to Vienna captured the contrasts of the Austrian capital. They got to know both the beautiful and the dark sides of Vienna. They took part in an ‘Ugly Vienna’ city tour and visited several famous museums. The two Travelling Classrooms shared their best photos of the day on Instagram - and competed for the best picture. The followers of our channel - our MCPeople - voted for their favourites. Congratulations to #Team Volda, our competition winners.

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[Translate to English:] Travelling Classroom: Competition
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(c) Media: Conception & Production


(c) Media: Conception & Production





Travelling Classroom HSRM students to USA

As part of the Master's course ‘Conception & Artist Tools’, 10 Master's students travelled to the USA. They first met in Los Angeles to visit the Netflix and Amazon studios. They then travelled on to Las Vegas to visit the NAB, the largest TV trade fair in the world. The last stop of the Travelling Classroom was our partner university in River Falls, where the students presented the results of their research to an audience.

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Travelling Classrooms 2024
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(c) Emili Schäfer


(c) Creative Media Conception




Visit from a Thai delegation (March 2024)

Following the visit to ITB Berlin, a six-person delegation from our two partner universities, Walailak University and Ramkhamhaeng University, visited us. Within four days, they experienced an extensive program: from a welcome by the Vize-President of RheinMain University of Applied Sciences, Mr. David Proft, and the exchange of ideas on sustainability and tourism at RheinMain University of Applied Sciences to tasting German delicacies and exploring the two spa towns Wiesbaden and Baden-Baden.

We look forward to deepening and expanding our cooperation with our two partners from Thailand.

(c) Emili Schäfer




Travelling Classroom Project of BFI Vienna and Media: Conception & Production students

In December 2023, we welcomed four students and their teacher from the University of Applied Sciences BFI Vienna, who scripted and produced their version of the Matrix scene "Blue Pill or Red Pill" as part of the "Global Design & Media CoSpace" project. This key scene forces the main character Neo to make a decision: should he return to his ideal Sim-world or immerse himself in the real world?

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(c) BFI Vienna students and Media: Conception & Production


Travelling Classroom Project of Volda University College and Media: Conception & Production students

As part of the "Global Design & Media CoSpace" project, we welcomed 5 students from Volda University College and their teacher to create a film remake together with our M:C&P students. The task was to reinterpret, stage and realise the scene "Blue Pill or Red Pill" from the film "Matrix". In the selected scene, the character Neo is faced with a choice: does he decide to return to his ideal world or does he escape from a simulation?


Read the full article about the Travelling Classroom of Volda students to RheinMain to learn more about their activities during their week.

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Blue Pill or Red Pill - Remake
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(c) Volda students and Media: Conception & Production




Behind the Scenes of the Travelling Classroom Volda to RheinMain

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Behind the Scenes "Blue Pill or Red Pill - Remake"
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(c) Robin Jaeschke & Jessica Lahdow




Short films of the Master study program Screen Arts (formative Creative Media Conception)

These three short films were produced by our Master's students. They were supported by a total of 5 American students from our partner university in River Falls. Together with their two supervisors Erik Johnson and Dan Paulus, the students visited us for an entire week as part of a Travelling Classroom. The films celebrated their premiere in the form of a cinema night on the campus Unter den Eichen at RheinMain University of Applied Sciences.


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(c) CJ W., Joyce J., Kitkacha K., Phattharaphon T., Chiara S., Hunter P. und Lilian B.


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(c) Annika S., Robert S., Annika H., Naemi M. J., Simon K., Theresa B., Fon P. und Melissa D.


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Parole Güldengabel
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(c) Michael G., Paul W., Theresa B., Bradley H., Melissa D., Ben L., Lorena W. und Maria R.




Volda - the place you will never forget

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[Translate to English:] Vide mit dem Titel "Volda - The place you will never forget."
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(c) Timo Becker & Tim Bräuer




"This is M:C&P" - A movie about your studies in Wiesbaden

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[Translate to English:] Eine Frau fotografiert die Wiesbadener Innenstadt
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(c) Chantal Bildirim & Alina Scheiwe




Walailak University

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[Translate to English:] Impressions of Walailak University
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(c) Emili Schäfer





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(c) a film by ICO NIDA 




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Impressions of ICO NIDA
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(c) Media: Conception & Production




Ramkhamhaeng University

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Ramkhamhaeng University
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(c) Media: Conception & Production




Impressions of Thailand

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Impressions of Thailand
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(c) Media: Conception & Production