Wiesbaden talks on architectural heritage highlight the importance of urban conservation

Wiesbaden, 23.10.23 - To kick off the Wednesday Talk series this winter semester, Dr Merve Demiröz Torun, research assistant at the UNESCO Chair at RheinMain University of Applied Sciences, gave a lecture as part of the Wiesbaden Talks on Architectural Heritage. In her contribution, the basics, concepts and instruments of urban heritage conservation were highlighted.
Dr Demiröz Torun explained the importance of the UNESCO Chair and its policy guidelines. They are based on co-operation with universities and can thus gain knowledge and benefits from scientific research.
The history of urban conservation was presented chronologically, highlighting different approaches to the preservation of historic buildings and cities - from stylistic restoration to the preservation of historical traces.
It also highlighted influential figures and important charters, such as the Athens Charter of 1933, which have had a significant impact on the development of urban conservation. The lecture also emphasised the integration of urban conservation into urban planning and the relevance of surveys and analyses in this context.The preservation of historic areas was presented as an integral part of contemporary life, with authenticity seen as a decisive criterion. Finally, the importance of analysing the city in the design process was emphasised and different approaches and schools were explained.
The Wednesday Talk series promises exciting insights in the coming weeks of this winter term, not only into topics of building culture, but also architecture and mobility management.