1) Call for Poster Abstracts for Early Career Researchers

Similar to the ICLHE symposium in Vienna last year, there will be a session at the 2024 symposium dedicated to early career researchers where you will have the opportunity to present your projects. This will take place on Thursday 10 October.

The Early Career Researcher Session will start with a round of brief pitch talks where presenters will introduce their project posters to the plenum. This will be followed by a poster session, i.e. informal exchanges between you as the poster presenter and members of the audience. All presentations will be given on site.

We invite every ICLHE member who is an early career researcher (i.e. either pre-PhD or up to 5 years post receiving your PhD) to submit an abstract.

The deadline for submitting your abstract is 15 June, 2024.

Please submit your title and abstract (max. 300 words excl. references) by sending an anonymised word document to this email address: phd-sig(at)remove-this.iclhe.org. The name of your file should consist of the first 5 content words of your title.

In your submission email, please include:

  • Subject line: ICLHE 2024 Poster Presentation Abstract
  • Full Name
  • Academic Affiliation
  • Full title of your poster presentation
  • PhD Supervisor(s) OR year of your PhD Defence

Applications are evaluated according to the quality of the abstract (research focus/question, research methodology & embedding in the literature, findings).

Travel Awards for PhD Student

For those participating in the Early Career Researchers Session who are presently PhD students, ICLHE offers special ICLHE 2024 PhD Student Travel Awards.

The award consists of the membership fee for 2025 plus a EUR 200 travel grant.

If you are a PhD student and would like to apply for this grant on top of your submission for the Early Career Researchers Session in Wiesbaden, please use the following subject line for submitting your poster abstract:

ICLHE 2024 ECR Abstract + PhD Award

The awardees will be selected on the basis of the quality of the abstract (see criteria above). Awards can only be given to PhD students presenting at the Early Career Researchers Session on site.

2) Call for Bring & Share on Support for Staff

On Friday 11 October in the morning, there will be a Bring & Share session in which practitioners can share ideas and information related to their support programmes for teachers and / or admin staff.  What formats are you providing for your staff and how well are they being received? Or have you produced materials which are proving especially helpful?

We would like to invite all participants to bring and share materials that have been useful in their own educational contexts. There will also be an opportunity for some participants to give brief pitch talks on their programmes and/or materials (in which case, your name will appear on the symposium schedule).

The Bring & Share on Support for Staff session will start with a round of brief pitch talks for those presenters who want to introduce their programme to the plenum. To support your pitch talk, please bring a poster and any materials you want to talk about. There will then be time for everyone to mingle and talk more informally about the formats and materials being shared by the presenters and anyone else who has brought along materials.

We invite anyone who would like to contribute a pitch talk to the Bring & Share session to submit a short summary paragraph.

The deadline for submitting your summary paragraph is 30 June, 2024.

Please submit your title and summary (max. 300 words) via email to: ICLHEsymposium(at)remove-this.hs-rm.de

In your submission email, please include:

  • Subject line: ICLHE 2024 Bring & Share on Support for Staff
  • Full Name
  • Academic Affiliation

Applications will be selected according to the quality of the summary and the innovative nature of the formats and materials. You may like to describe your programme goals, and say why you have chosen particular training formats or developed specific materials.  If you have done any kind of programme evaluation then it would be very interesting to hear about it.